Risk factors predict positive PPD skin test in inflammatory bowel disease patients starting infliximabdoi:10.1016/S0016-5085(03)80989-7Andrew M. Weinberg and Faten N. Aberra and Chinyu Su and Jackie McGregor and Gary R. LichtensteinGastroenterology...
On the other hand, a negative test does not always mean that a person is free of tuberculosis. People who have been infected with TB may not have a positive skin test (known as a false negative result) if their immune function is compromised by chronic medical conditions, cancer chemotherapy...
Mantoux has to be measured on day 3, and its the induration that is measured, not redness. the induration, might not be seen with naked eyes, however it has to be felt and measured. BCG taken in childhood can cause a false positive mantoux. however, it is unlikely. more likely would ...
Complex examination including the Mantoux test with 2 TU of PPD-L and tween-80 and fluorography was applied to 2537 underground miners aged 20 to 60 years. Negative, doubtful and positive tuberculin reactions were stated in 3.1 +/- 0.3, ... PPD Saltmarsh - 《Proceedings of the Royal Socie...
Rapid detection of active and latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-positive individuals by enumeration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific T cells. OBJECTIVES: An accurate test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is urgently needed. The tuberculin skin test (TST) lacks sensitivity, particularly in.....
(redirected fromPPD test) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to PPD test:tuberculosis Man·toux test (măn-to͞o′, män-) n. A tuberculin test in which a small amount of tuberculin is injected under the skin. [After CharlesMantoux(1877-1947), French physician.] ...
意见建议:在正常情况,这种试验的结果是以红斑硬结直径小于一厘米,你的情况应该是正常 ...
Objective The relation between PPD skin test result and CD 4 cell amount was analysed in HIV positive patients.Methods PPD test, CD 4 cell count and MultiSET TM Physician examination were applied among people doubted affection by HIV in high-risk region. Results The positive rate of PPD test ...
Background: Control of tuberculosis depends partly on screening populations at risk particularly HIV-seropositive individuals. As the CD4 count drops below 100, the PPD skin test may not detect latent TB because the patients lose their delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and become anergic. Methods...