Study of bond strength between various grade of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolane Cement (PPC) mixes and different diameter of TMT bars by using pullout test[J] . A. D. Pofale,S. P. Wanjari.Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering . 2013 (1)...
critical bond strength of PPC mixes is 10%higher than OPC mixes.Whereas,marginal improvement was noticed in maximum bond strength of PPC mixes.Hence,based on these findings,it could be concluded that development length for PPC mixes could be reduced by 10%as compared with same grade of OPC ...
Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC) concretebond between concrete and steelpullout testdevelopment lengthSince last two decades, the Portland Pozzolane Cement (PPC) is extensively used in structural concrete. But, till to date, a few literature is available on bond strength of concrete using PPC m...