PPAP_level_Requirements Retention/Submission Requirements Requirement Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 1.Design Record R S S * R -for proprietary components/ details R R R * R -for all other components/ details R S S * R 2...
要求Requirements 1PPAP提交要求清单PPAPSubmissionRequirementList 2 零件提交保证书(PSW)及附页(如果适用)PartSubmissionWarranty(PSW)andattachedsheets(ifapplicable)3 零件开发质量保证计划跟踪表(Ⅰ,Ⅱ)+初期流动管理表development(ⅠII)+Initialflowmanagementform Trackingformofqualityassuranceplanforpart 4工程更改...
垂直整合供應商PPAP Requirements: 1.供應商可對廠內其它生產線或分廠(車間)製造出的零部件或sub-assy自主實 施第三或第五階PPAP。客戶可隨時調閱此PPAP. 2.一階供應商零件由HAITEC SQE依照重要度分類,執行第三或第五階PPAP, 3.供應商PPAP文件中必須包括: ...
Level 4:PSW and other requirements as defined by the customer. Level 5: PSW with product samples and complete supporting data available for review at the supplier’s manufacturing location. PPAP Retention and Submission Requirements Table Who Governs PPAP Standards? TheAutomotive Industry Action Group ...
Level 4: PSW and other requirements as defined by the customer (in addition to Level 3) Level 5: PSW with product samples and complete supporting data available from the PPAP for review at the supplier’s manufacturing location. An example could be the introduction of a new material and manu...
要求Requirements 1PPAP提交要求清单PPAPSubmissionRequirementList 2 零件提交保证书(PSW)及附页(如果适用)PartSubmissionWarranty(PSW)andattachedsheets(ifapplicable)3 零件开发质量保证计划跟踪表(Ⅰ,Ⅱ)+初期流动管理表development(ⅠII)+Initialflowmanagementform Trackingformofqualityassuranceplanforpart 4工程更改...
Retention/SubmissionRequirements RequirementLevel1Level2Level3Level4Level5 1.DesignRecordRSS*R -forproprietarycomponents/detailsRRR*R -forallothercomponents/detailsRSS*R 2.EngineeringChangeDocuments,ifanyRSS*R 3.CustomerEngineeringapproval,ifrequiredRRS*R ...
Level 4 - PSW and other requirements as defined by the customerLevel 5 - PSW with product samples and complete supporting data available for review at the supplier's manufacturing location When should I conduct a PPAP? PPAP is listed as a customer specific requirement (CSR) by FCA US, Ford...
PPAP提交等级英文模板 PPAPsubmissionlevelofthePPAPfile Requirement Level1 SubmissionLevel Level2Level3Level4 1PartSubmissionWarrant(PSW)S S S S 2AppearanceApprovalReport(AAR)S S S S 3DesignRecordandESOLetter R S S * 3.1-forproprietarycomponents/details R R R * 3.2-forallothercomponents/details ...
19. Records of Compliance with Customer Specific Records of Compliance with Customer Specific Requirements Requirements 客户指定要求的吻合性记录客户指定要求的吻合性记录R RR RS S* *R RPrepared by PE- 54 -S S 提供给客户进行产品认可,供应商保存复制件于适合的地方,包括制作场所。R 供应商保存于适合的...