PPAP文件清单及顺序.pdf,PPAP文件清单及顺序 1. 零件提交保证书Part Submission Warrant 2. 受控图纸(标有全尺寸的编号)和零件清单Design Record with code and Part list 3. 工程更改文件,如果有 Engineering Change Document , If any 4. 顾客工程批准,如果需要 Custom
For PEP1/2, As Product line/Business Unit not define the document requirements through procedures/instructions projects,use following items: 1. 报价部分 Prepare Quotation 1.1 合同评审 Contract review (depends on the RLA result) 1.2 成本、设计明细表 Cost sheet / design BOM 报价计算、样品预估 ...
检具发生变更时,需要提交检具资料,包含:A、B、C表,三坐标 8 Document of checking fixtures/checking aids used. 测量报告、重复性再现性报告、检具操作指导书、检具图纸等文件 Yes N/A 检具及检查辅具文件 递交 无要求递交 9 Engineering Test Checklist and PPAP Test Checklist 即对零件的实验要求,对于PPAP...
ppap等级提交清单.pdf,3级提交清单 P/N:___ Model No,: ___ 1. 零件提交保证书PART SUBMISSION WARRANT LETTER 2. 可销售产品的设计记录(受控的正式图纸) design records (official drawing with document control seal ) 3. 工艺
1、表05.02C.04-13(0/A)PPAP提提交交文文件件清清单单 Document submited list供应商名称 :supplier name供应商编码:supplier code零件名称:part name零件号:part No.车型/年份:mode/yearPPAP提交日期:PPAP sumbission date 序序号号No.No.PPAP文文件件PPAP documents递递交交SubmissionSubmissionYesYes无无要要求...
ppap_list PPAP文件清单 PPAP Submission Checklist 产品编号Part Number:产品名称Part Name 承诺声明Confirmation 我们承诺We confirm:1. 提供的样品是在批量生产的状况下生产的that this samples were produced completely by using standard operating and under standard condition.2. 产品的尺寸和公差均按照顾客的要求...
PPAP Documents Terminology List Name Notes Vision System CCD 摄像检验 Refers to the cameras that check for things like damage, terminal position, wire routing etc. ; Use "vision System" rather than CCD for consistency Visual Check 目视检验 Refers to operator inspection with eyes Terminal ...
11、nce shall be approved by the YFAS and submitted withthe PPAP document3Design records/ 设计记录1供应商必须提交版本号正确的图纸,若需要,需提供相关的生产图纸The supplier shall submit the correct number of drawings, if necessary, need to provide the relevant production drawings2图纸必须具有正式的客...
检具发生变更时,需要提交检具资料,包含:A、B、C表,三坐标 8 Document of checking fixtures/checking aids used. 测量报告、重复性再现性报告、检具操作指导书、检具图纸等文件 Yes N/A 检具及检查辅具文件 递交 无要求递交 9 Engineering Test Checklist and PPAP Test Checklist 即对零件的实验要求,对于PPAP...
: RA0687 上海艾保隆橡塑科技有限公司 APRO RUBBER PPAP提交清单Document submited list 顾客名称 Customer: 零件号Part No.: Apro Part No.:RA0687 PPAP递交日期 PPAP 递交等级:等级3 PPAPPPAP susubmitedbmited datedate :0707-1818 PPAPPPAP CLASSCLASS ::LEVELLEVEL 33 无要求递交 递交 NO PPAP文件种类 ...