Intergovernmental relations in the American administrative state: The Johnson Presidency, by David M. Welborn and Jesse Burkhead. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1989, 328 pp. Price: $40.00 cloth 来自 EconPapers 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: BD Mcdowell 年份: 1991 ...
In a packet addressing method, one or more memory blocks are selected from a plurality of memory blocks and one or more data I/O pads are selected from a plurality of data I/O pads via which data input or output to/from the selected memory blocks are loaded, memory cell data output fr...
The KITT,considering that new networks are being introduced based upon stored program control techniques; that these networks as well as being able to carry the International Telex Service, can also carry the Intex service using alphabets other than International Telegraph Alphabet No.2 and that inte...
摘要 以法为本,就是依法治理,简称"法治".以人为本,就是指一切从人出发,以人为中心.以法为本与以人为本在很多情况下,内容上有所交叉,本质相同.以法为本与以人为本作为治国的两种良策,二者相辅相成,缺一不可.在治国层面上,必须是以法治立国为主... ...
摘要: 长时间久坐会让颈椎保持同一曲度,增加腿部压力,常做下蹲可让腿部肌肉得到放松,同时活动膝关节和髋关节,提高身体平衡能力,减少久坐伤害.同时,脚和小腿得到适当锻炼,能够让下肢越来越强劲,下肢血液循环变好,让肢体远端的血液快速回流到心脏,让全身气血运行得到通畅.关键词:...