Fig.3 stress-strain curve 拉伸曲线中屈服点的高低说明材料晶片的结晶度的大小,结晶度越高,屈服点就越高;颈宽(neck width)跟材料晶片厚度和应力转移能力有关[1],颈部越宽,晶片越薄,应力转移能力越强,材料韧性就越好;自然拉伸比越长说明材料的晶片就越厚,分子量较大;翘起角翘起越早、越大,说明Tie链越多;分...
摘要 采用羟甲基叔丁基酚醛树脂及2,5-二甲基-2,5-二叔丁基过氧基己烷/硫黄作交联剂,研究了三元乙丙橡胶动态硫化对增韧聚丙烯性能的影响。实验证实,随酚醛树脂用量增加共混物的抗冲韧性显著提高,但流动性明显下降。过氧化物既能有效硫化橡胶,又能使聚丙烯降解,从而得到高韧性和高流动性的共混物。扫描电镜分析表明,...
An analytical method for the determination of stress and strain concentrations in textile-reinforced GF/PP composites with elliptical cutout and a finite outer boundary and its numerical verification. Arch Appl Mech 2013;83(1):125e35.hufenbach, W., Gruber, B., Lepper, M., Gottwald, R. and ...
作者: None 摘要: equivalent times and one-dimensional elastic viscoplastic modelling of time-dependent stress-strain behaviour of clays: jian-hua yin & j. graham, canadian geotechnical journal, 31(1), 1994, pp 42–52 DOI: 10.1016/0148-9062(94)90219-4 被引量: 113 年份: 1994 收藏...
A theoretical description of the stress strain behavior is obtained by the sum of the stress effects from crystalline and entangled networks. The microstructural observations by scanning electron microscopy X-ray pole figures and differential scanning calorimetry show that polymer chains are aligned along...
1C). In contrast, the absence of (p)ppGpp resulted in a similar enhanced stationary phase-induced tolerance to MHQ stress compared to the WT (Fig. 1D). However, the (p)ppGpp0 mutant was more sensitive to MHQ treatment during the log and stationary phases relative to its parent strain....
Isothermal Stress vs. Strain (ISO 11403-1) Secant Modulus vs. Strain (ISO 11403-1) Viscosity vs. Shear Rate (ISO 11403-2) 物理性能额定值单位制测试方法 比重1.30g/cm3ASTM D792 熔流率(熔体流动速率)14 到 20g/10 minASTM D1238 收缩率 - 流动0.70%ASTM D955 ...
To scrutinize the deformation behavior in the binary blend and the ternary blends, the tensile stress-strain test is employed. At first, the elongation at break and elastic modulus are scrutinized by Fig. 8 for binary blends P1 and ternary blends with two different amounts of PP-MAH/PP (5...
Tensile Strain,break0.9%ISO 527 Tensile Modulus,1mm/min8650MPaISO 527 Flexural Stress44MPaISO 178 Flexural Modulus8160MPaISO 178 IMPACTValueUnitStandard Izod Impact,unnotched,23℃7cm-kgf/cmASTM D 4812 Izod Impact,notched,23℃1cm-kgf/cmASTM D 256 ...
STRESS-strain curvesScoria aggregate concrete (SAC) as new green material has been gradually used in some construction projects for its lightweight and high strength, which can reduce the environmental impact of construction materials. In this paper, the residual mechanical properties and intact ...