PENERAPAN PP NO. 46 TAHUN 2013 MENGENAI PPh FINAL 1% DAN DAMPAKNYA PADA PENERIMAAN PAJAK DARI SEKTOR UMKM DI KOTA MALANG 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者: P Andi Parasidah 摘要: This study was aims to describe the application of Regulation no. 46 of 2013 on the income tax ...
In accordance with the mandate of Regulation No. 6 of 2008 explained that the need for an evaluation of the impact of the expansion itself. The researchers themselves have a clear goal to learn in depth how the actual impact on the community division Labuthanbatu Regency Regency North Labuhan...
PENERAPAN ASAS NASIONALITAS DALAM PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN AGRARIA INDONESIA (STUDI KASUS PP NO.40 TAHUN 1996)The Agrarian law regulated that only the Indonesian citizen that have the complete connection with the earth, water and the sky. This means that only Indonesian citizen that have the rightful ...
Perlindungan hukum bagi Franchisee dalam perjanjian Franchise setelah berlakunya PP RI no.16 tahun 1997 tentang waralaba 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者:R Murdiati,C Woro 摘要: LEGAL PROTECTION FOR FRANCHISEE IN THE CONTRACT ON FRANCHISE AFTER THE PROMULGATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL ...
Impelemented of Law No.32/2004 substitude the law No.22/1999 abaout Local Government, as fundamental Law of Government Regulation Number 8, 2003 (PP 8/2003) abaot guidance of the Local Equipment Organization has implication on it. Beside the foundation of PP 8/2003 was changed, there were...