Dear Powys County Council, Please could i kindly ask for the following information: Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each What form of network infrastructure do you have? i.e. MPLS, SD-WAN or internet Who provides your LAN infrastructure and what is you...
Assumptions for Funding TargetAppendix G -- Assumptions for Low Risk Funding Measure Appendix H -- Details of Employers' Funding StrategiesAppendix I -- Consolidated Revenue AccountAppendix J -- Membership ExperienceAppendix K -- Current Contribution RatesAppendix L -- Rates and Adjustments Certificate...
to the information not being exempt. In some circumstances Powys County Council may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at the earliest opportunity. On some occasions there may be a fee payable for the retrieval, collation...
not taking into account that the local tidal range varies between 3.4 metres at high water on the smallest neap tides to 5.7 metres at high water on the biggest spring tides.Storm surges can also add a metre or two of extra water. We know that ice-sheet meltdownis accelerating, especially...
Council to Pull Plug on Toilets; POWYS: County Has More Conveniences Than Any Other AreaPOWYS County Council is considering closing a number of public toilets to try to cut costs.Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
PLANNING DECISIONS AND THE IMPACT ON MONUMENTS AND LISTED BUILDINGS: R (on the application of Williams) v. Powys County CouncilMason, KatharineArt, Antiquity & Law