Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised. Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on...
Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised. Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on...
Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised.Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on ...
Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised.Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on ...
Account"}$GroupData=@()#Get Group DetailsForEach($Groupin$Groups){#Get Group data$GroupData+=New-ObjectPSObject-Property([ordered]@{"Group Name"=$Group.Title"Users"=$Group.Users.Title-join"; "})}$GroupData#Export Users data to CSV file$GroupData|Export-Csv-...
PS C:\temp> get-module -name ConnectionTools ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands --- --- --- --- Script 0.0 ConnectionTools {Export-Connection, Import-Connection} On trying to do an import with the new module PS C:\temp> Import-Connection https://$env:computerna...
Run the script so a GUI is displayed to allow selection of the file and then press the "encode" button on one system and then the "decode" button on the other system .EXAMPLE & '.\Bincoder GUI.ps1' -filename c:\temp\ -encode Base64 encode the contents of the file c:\...
## Malware function SuperDecrypt { param($script) $bytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($script) \## XOR “encryption” $xorKey = 0x42 for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $bytes.Length; $counter++) { $bytes[$counter] = $bytes[$counter] -bxor $xorKey } [System.Text.Encoding]::Unico...
Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised. Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on...
Finally, the –action parameter is a script block—enclosed in {braces}—that contains the action we want to occur when the event is raised. Using the –computerName parameter to register for events that occur on a remote computer is a neat trick. You need to be a local Administrator on...