PowerShell 複製 $number = 10 ` + 20 ` - 50 $number # writes $number's value to the pipeline -20 2.3 令牌語法:Syntax 複製 token: keyword variable command command-parameter command-argument-token integer-literal real-literal string-literal type-literal operator-or-punctuator ...
Output Copy It's four. More complex match examples In this example, the switch statement is testing for the type of the value in the hashtable. You must use and expression that returns a boolean value to select the scriptblock to execute. PowerShell Copy $var = @{A = 10; B = ...
$number=10` +20` -50$number# writes $number's value to the pipeline-20 2.3 Tokens Syntax: Syntax token: keyword variable command command-parameter command-argument-token integer-literal real-literal string-literal type-literal operator-or-punctuator ...
param($ComputerName= $(throw"ComputerName parameter is required."))functionCanPing {$Error.Clear()$tmp=Test-Connection$computername-ErrorActionSilentlyContinueif(!$?) {Write-Host"Ping failed:$ComputerName.";return$false}else{Write-Host"Ping succeeded:$ComputerName";return$true} }functionCanRemote...
You can write help for a function using either of the two following methods: Comment-Based Help for Functions Create a help topic using special keywords in the comments. To create comment-based help for a function, the comments must be placed at the beginning or end of the function body or...
function Test-WriteError { Write-Error "Bad" "The `$? variable is: $?" } Test-WriteError "Now the `$? variable is: $?" Output Copy Test-WriteError: Line | 7 | Test-WriteError | ~~~ | Bad The $? variable is: False Now the $? variable is: True For the latter purpose...
Example 5: Multiple export commands PowerShell # From TestModule.psm1functionNew-Test{Write-Output'I am New-Test function'}Export-ModuleMember-FunctionNew-TestfunctionValidate-Test{Write-Output'I am Validate-Test function'}functionStart-Test{Write-Output'I am Start-Test function'}Set-AliassttStart...
The DomainController parameter specifies the domain controller that's used by this cmdlet to read data from or write data to Active Directory. You identify the domain controller by its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, dc01.contoso.com. Expand table Type: Fqdn Position: Named ...
Admins can write an expression about system configuration, and the system figures out how to make the configuration work.When used correctly, DSC can help an organization avoid configuration drift, which can occur if an application on one machine modifies a default setting to make its ...
After all, who wants to extend their compromise of a system using error prone and hard-to-write C++ programs, when you can accomplish the same thing with an elegant and powerful scripting language like PowerShell?In this post, we’ll discuss some important advances we’ve made in scripting ...