Write-SqlTableData [-DatabaseName <String>] [-SchemaName <String>] [-TableName <String>] [-IgnoreProviderContext] [-SuppressProviderContextWarning] [-Force] -InputData <PSObject> [-Passthru] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-ConnectToDatabase] [[-ServerInstance] <String[]>] [-Credential <PSCredenti...
How to add hash table values to SQL Table using Powershell How to add Multiple textbox with multiple labels. How to add newline in existing CSV How to add SaveFileDialog to PowerShell Get-ADUser Export-CSV How to Add the filename of each file to the beginning of each line in that fi...
Read-SqlTableData Write-SqlTableData Read-SqlViewData Read-SqlXEvent Convert-UrnToPath 其他資源 訓練 學習路徑 開始使用 Windows PowerShell - Training 本學習路徑會為您介紹 Windows PowerShell,並提供產品功能的概觀。 其說明如何開啟和設定Windows PowerShell、執行命令,以及使用其內建說明系統。
Write-Host $reader["ip"] } } $SQLiteConnection.Close() 总体是顺利的,期间遇到一点问题做记录如下: 1.判断是否库中已有特定数据行,可以用count语句+executescalar执行,返回的数就是记录行数。 2.发现一个upper函数,如 select * table where upper(hostname)=upper('" + $hostname + "')",可以不区分大...
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $内存库 -Query "CREATE TABLE OrdersToNames (OrderID INT PRIMARY KEY, fullname TEXT);" #建表语句 Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $内存库 -Query "INSERT INTO OrdersToNames (OrderID, fullname) VALUES (1,'Cookie Monster');" #插入语句 ...
Ideally, the noun used in cmdlet naming should be very specific; if you've got a generic term, you should use that term as a suffix to your cmdlet. For example, if you create a get-server cmdlet for your SQL database, you should use "New-SQLDatabase" rather than "New-Database"....
Set-SqlSensitivityClassification Set-SqlSmartAdmin Start-SqlInstance Stop-SqlInstance Suspend-SqlAvailabilityDatabase Switch-SqlAvailabilityGroup Test-SqlAvailabilityGroup Test-SqlAvailabilityReplica Test-SqlDatabaseReplicaState Test-SqlSmartAdmin Write-SqlTableData ...
less than or equal to -gt greater than -ge greater than or equal to -eq equal to -ne not equal to -like like wildcard pattern matching -and logical and -or logical or Table 1: PowerShell Comparison Operators Flow control is then handled using this set of commands: ...
$Reader=$SqlCmd.ExecuteReader()$DataTable=New-Object System.Data.DataTable $DataTable.Load($Reader)}catch{Write-Warning $_}Finally{$SqlConn.close()}return$DataTable}# 执行语句 ExecuteSQL $sql 2.PowerShell 输出 csv 文件: 代码语言:javascript ...
Import-Excel -Path F:\自媒体相关\其他文章分享\powershell\轮子\combined.xlsx|Write-ObjectToSQL -Database Test -Server localhost -TableName TestTable 就这么简单,一句命令,就可以将Excel表数据上传到Sqlserver上。,并且代码也是接近人的语言,用界面填写下参数就完成了,门槛足够低。