Write-Host "$Eventlog_source is already registered with another Eventlog." Exit } #新建事件日志MyApp,指定事件日志来源为$Eventlog_log,"."代表本机;将变量$ Event_test中的内容写入到MyApp事件日志下 $Applog = New-Object system.diagnostics.eventlog($Eventlog_log,".") #Remove-Eventlog $log #...
Write-Host "$Eventlog_source is already registered with another Eventlog." Exit } #新建事件日志MyApp,指定事件日志来源为$Eventlog_log,"."代表本机;将变量$ Event_test中的内容写入到MyApp事件日志下 $Applog = New-Object system.diagnostics.eventlog($Eventlog_log,".") #Remove-Eventlog $log #...
创建一个名为“WriteToAppLog.ps1”的脚本来实现这个功能,代码如下,后面将根据代码给出相关的说明: if(![system.diagnostics.eventlog]::sourceExists("ps_script")) { $applog = [system.diagnostics.eventlog]::CreateEventSource("ps_script","Application") } $applog = New-Object system.diagnostics.event...
but it can also create a new source that can be used when you write to the event log. I have actually used this in some instances for custom code in a SharePoint farm. The custom code being deployed needed to write information to the event logs, but the application pool account...
To make it more convenient, you can create a separate function in your PowerShell script that will write the data it receives to a log file and add the timestamp for each event. You can create a function as shown below: $Logfile = "C:\PS\Logs\proc_$env:computername.log" ...
Log operation# ---FunctionWriteToLog {Param(# Message want to write to log file[Parameter(Mandatory =$true)] [String]$Message,# "Succeed" or "Faild"[String]$Type="Message")$date=Get-Date-Format'HH:mm:ss'$logInfo=$date+" - [$Type] "+$Message$logInfo|Out-File-FilePath$logf...
[void]Critical($s){$msg = $this.getDataTime() + " [CRITICAL] " + $sif ($this.log){$this.writeLog('Magenta',$msg)}}} 3. 使用示例 3.1 基本使用 【例】简单测试各个日志方法的使用,代码如下: $SavePath = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\mylog.log';$logger = [Logger]::new($SavePath...
Write-EventLog [-LogName] <String> [-Source] <String> [[-EntryType] <EventLogEntryType>] [-Category <Int16>] [-EventId] <Int32> [-Message] <String> [-RawData <Byte[]>] [-ComputerName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]说明Write-EventLog cmdlet 将事件写入事件日志。若要将...
Windows PowerShell 3.0 透過支援 Windows 事件追蹤 (ETW) 記錄檔、模組的可編輯LogPipelineExecutionDetails屬性,以及「開啟模組記錄」群組原則設定,改善了命令與模組的記錄與追蹤支援。 您現在可以透過顯示記錄內容,來從記錄詳細資料中取得參數值。 格式設定與輸出改善 ...
catch { Write-Log $PSItem.ToString() throw $PSItem } 有趣的是,我們可以從內catch呼叫throw ,並重新擲回目前的例外狀況。PowerShell 複製 catch { Write-Log $PSItem.ToString() throw } 我們想要重新擲回例外狀況,以保留原始執行資訊,例如來源腳本和行號。 如果此時擲回新的例外狀況,則會隱藏例外狀況開...