请谨慎使用 Write-Host 仅当需要将格式化文本写入主机控制台,而不是将对象写入 Success 管道时,才应使用Write-Host命令。 对于特定主机(例如pwsh.exe、powershell.exe或powershell_ise.exe),Write-Host可能比[Console]::WriteLine()要慢一个数量级。 然而,[Console]::WriteLine()不保证在所有主机中都能正常工作。
從Windows PowerShell 5.0 開始,這是一個包裝Write-Information函式,Write-Host可讓您用來Write-Host發出資訊數據流的輸出。 這可讓您擷 取 或隱藏 使用Write-Host 所寫入的數據,同時保留回溯相容性。 $InformationPreference喜好設定變數和InformationAction一般參數不會影響Write-Host訊息。 此規則的例外狀況是 ...
foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) { #display filename and old permissions write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow $file.FullName #uncomment if you want to see old permissions #CACLS $file.FullName #ADD new permission with CACLS CACLS $file.FullName /E /P "${Principal...
Fix Get-ItemProperty to report non-terminating error for cast exception (#21115) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!) Add -PropertyType argument completer for New-ItemProperty (#21117) (Thanks @ArmaanMcleod!) Fix a bug in how Write-Host handles XmlNode object (#24669) (Thanks @brendandburns!) Code Cl...
Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Host Creates a record of all or part of a PowerShell session to a text file.Syntaxpowershell Copy Start-Transcript [[-Path] <String>] [-Append] [-Force] [-NoClobber] [-IncludeInvocationHeader] [-UseMinimalHeader] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]...
api-version=5.0" Write-Host "URL: $url" $pipeline = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" } Write-Host "Pipeline = $($pipeline | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)"env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN:$(System.AccessToken)...
# Runs for 2 minutes and appends output to ./nohup.outStart-Processnohup'pwsh -noprofile -c "1..120 | % { Write-Host . -NoNewline; sleep 1 }"' 在此示例中,Start-Process运行 Linuxnohup命令,该命令以分离进程的形式启动pwsh。 有关详细信息,请参阅维基百科nohup文章。
PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), introduced by Microsoft in PowerShell version 2.0, is a PowerShell host application used to write,test and debug scriptsor write commands in a Windows GUI. To access the ISE, clickStart, selectWindows PowerShelland chooseWindows PowerShell ISE. ...
若要将对象枚举到管道中,请通过管道将结果传递给 Write-Output 或用括号包装 cmdlet。 以下示例计算 GitHub 返回的对象数目。 然后,对枚举到管道的对象数进行计数。PowerShell 复制 $uri = 'https://api.github.com/repos/microsoftdocs/powershell-docs/issues' $x = 0 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri | For...
Write-Host -foregroundColor "Red" -backgroundColor "White" ` "你想打开这些文件吗?" foreach ($file in $files) { "- " + $file.Path } # 然后确认这些文件是否为用户想打开的: $yes = ([System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]"&yes") $no = ([System.Management.Automation.Host....