{E:output.txt} = "a" # write text to the given file $Env:MyPath = "x:\data\file.txt" # define the environment variable $Function:F = { param ($a, $b) "Hello there, $a, $b" } F 10 "red" # define and invoke a function function Demo { "Hi there from inside Demo" } ...
Explains how to add parameters to advanced functions.Long descriptionYou can add parameters to the advanced functions that you write, and use parameter attributes and arguments to limit the parameter values that function users submit with the parameter....
Write-SqlTableDatacmdlet 将数据插入 SQL 数据库的表中。 此 cmdlet 接受以下输入类型,以下输出格式: System.Data.DataSet System.Data.DataTable System.Data.DateRow 对象 对象的集合 如果提供数据集,则只会将数据集中的第一个表写入数据库。 可以将此 cmdlet 与 Windows PowerShell SQL 提供程序配合使用。
Set-Date Set-MarkdownOption Set-PSBreakpoint Set-TraceSource Set-Variable Show-Command Show-Markdown Sort-Object Start-Sleep Tee-Object Test-Json Trace-Command Unblock-File Unregister-Event Update-FormatData Update-List Update-TypeData Wait-Debugger Wait-Event Write-Debug Write-Error Write-Host Wri...
$string = 'The last logged on user was CONTOSO\jsmith' $string -match 'was (?<domain>.+)\\(?<user>.+)' $Matches Write-Output "`nDomain name:" $Matches.domain Write-Output "`nUser name:" $Matches.user 输出 复制 True Name Value --- --- domain CONTOSO user jsmith 0 was CON...
代码语言:javascript 复制 $arr=ipconfig $arr $arr-is[array] 2.访问数组 首先定义一个多钟类型的数组。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $arr=1,"hello world",(get-date)$arr 访问数组特定元素,第一个元素,获取两个元素,获取最后一个元素。 代码语言:...
For example, to get help for the Get-MyDisks function, type: PowerShell Copy Get-Help Get-MyDisks You can write help for a function using either of the two following methods: Comment-Based Help for Functions Create a help topic using special keywords in the comments. To create comment...
[string]$XlsxFile1="vCenter1.xlsx"# Start cli of RVToolsWrite-Host"Start export for vCenter$VCServer"-ForegroundColorDarkYellow$Arguments="-u$User-p$EncryptedPassword-s$VCServer-c ExportAll2xlsx -d$XlsxDir1-f$XlsxFile1"Write-Host$Arguments$Process=Start-Process-FilePath".\RVTools.exe"-...
function Test-ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName{ param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]]$ComputerName ) Write-Output -InputObject "Saw that ComputerName was '$ComputerName'" } 然后,使用 ComputerName 属性通过管道传递对象的演示如下:Power...
Step 1. Run this software, go to “Wipe” on the top toolbar and select “Shred Files”. Step 2. Click “Add Files” or “Add Folder” to add the files or folders that you need to delete permanently. Step 3. Choose “Write Zero” as the shredding method. If you prefer the other...