whileread是逐行读取中的代码。bin/bash while read line do echo $line done < filename(待读取的文件)
上面的For循环示例停留在数字层面上,其实While循环能办到的事,For循环也可以,只是可能有时不方便而已。例如判断域名的例子: for($domain="";!($domain-like"www.*.*");$domain=Read-Host"Input domain") {Write-Host-ForegroundColor"Green""Please give a valid domain name."} 下面的例子演示逐行读取文本...
#>#[int]$i =0#for ($i = 0; $i -lt $binary.Length; $i++)#{# $c = $binary[$i]# [int][char]$c = [int][char]$c - 3# $c = [char][int]$c# [char] $k = [char]$c# Write-Host "$k" -NoNewline#} 附录
do{$i=Get-UPPrinter-ContinuationToken$i.ContinuationToken$allprinters+=$i.Results }while(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($i.ContinuationToken))$allprinters.Results 下载上个月的扩展用户和打印机使用情况报告 确保已安装正确的 Microsoft Graph 模块 登录到 Microsoft Graph ...
0while($null-ne($line=$reader.ReadLine())) {$rowCount++$columns=$line.Split(",")$siteId=$columns[1]$_guid=New-ObjectSystem.Guidif([System.Guid]::TryParse($siteId, [ref]$_guid)) {$siteUrl=$cache[$siteId]$columns[2] =$siteUrl$line=$columns-join","}$writer.WriteLine($line)if...
The two commonly used anchors are^and$. The caret^matches the start of a string, and$, which matches the end of a string. The anchors allow you to match your text at a specific position while also discarding unwanted characters.
If there are any errors, the error message is displayed and not accepted nor added to the history unless you either correct the command line or execute AcceptLine or ValidateAndAcceptLine again while the error message is displayed.BackwardDeleteLineCmd: <Ctrl+Home> Emacs: unbound...
While debugging, this variable contains information about the debugging environment. Otherwise, it contains a null value. As a result, you can use it to determine whether the debugger has control. When populated, it contains a PsDebugContext object that has Breakpoints and InvocationInfo properti...
Indicates whether the channel will be encrypted while bypassing walking the certificate chain to validate trust. This parameter is new in v22 of the module. For more details, see Strict Connection Encryption under Related Links. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: Non...
良心啊,这个语言竟然是面向对象的 与面向过程相比,面向对象更方便更容易描述现实世界,也算赶上了时髦。 依托.NET 正所谓大树下面好乘凉,PowerShell绑上.NET这个大款了,借助.NET平台强大的类库,几乎让一切都成为可能。 强大的兼容性 完全兼容Windows平台上其它调用,如可执行文件(exe),批处理bat/cmd和VBscript等, 在...