whileread是逐行读取中的代码。bin/bash while read line do echo $line done < filename(待读取的文件)
需要注意的是个模型仅可使用一个迭代器。如果模型中已经存在一个迭代器,那么就没办法再添加迭代器了,只能嵌套一个子模型,在子模型里使用。 ? ?...ModelBuilder提供了四个大类,十二种迭代,在之后的文章中我会依次讲到,这次讲前两个,For循环和While 循环,本质上和编程
例如,cmdlet 的New-Alias语法包括Option参数的以下值枚举: Syntax New-Alias -Option {None | ReadOnly | Constant | Private | AllScope} 大括号和垂直条指示可以为Option参数选择列出的任意一个值,例如ReadOnly或AllScope。 PowerShell New-Alias-OptionReadOnly about_Parameters Get-Command Get-Help...
0while($null-ne($line=$reader.ReadLine())) {$rowCount++$columns=$line.Split(",")$siteId=$columns[1]$_guid=New-ObjectSystem.Guidif([System.Guid]::TryParse($siteId, [ref]$_guid)) {$siteUrl=$cache[$siteId]$columns[2] =$siteUrl$line=$columns-join","}$writer.WriteLine($line)if...
powershellCopy codetry { $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($filePath) while ($reader.Peek() -ge 0) { $line = $reader.ReadLine() # Process each line here Write-Host $line } $reader.Close() } catch { Write-Host "Error reading the file: $_" } In this code: We create...
about_While about_Wildcards about_Windows_PowerShell_Compatibility Add-History Clear-History Clear-Host Connect-PSSession Debug-Job Disable-ExperimentalFeature Disable-PSRemoting Disable-PSSessionConfiguration Disconnect-PSSession Enable-ExperimentalFeature ...
The anchors allow you to match your text at a specific position while also discarding unwanted characters. PowerShell Cóipeáil # The pattern expects the string 'fish' to be the only thing on the line. # This returns FALSE. 'fishing' -match '^fish$' Nóta When defining a regex ...
The New-Variable cmdlet creates a new variable in PowerShell. You can assign a value to the variable while creating it or assign or change the value after it is created.You can use the parameters of New-Variable to set the properties of the variable, set the scope of a variable, and ...
While this would be OK, I want to demonstrate something better, so I will provide the key and the value.When I was first learning about IsolatedStorage, I noticed that it's pretty tough to find the actual file being used for the storage, so I want to include that information in my ...
$response = "" while($response -ne "QUIT") { $response = Read-Host "Type something" } do..whileloop $response = "" do { $response = Read-Host "Type something" } while($response -ne "QUIT") do..untilloop $response = "" do { $response = Read-Host "Type something" } until(...