In addition to single-condition while loops, you can also create multi-condition while loops. Like the single condition While loop, the conditions must return a Boolean value, either True or False. Below is the syntax for a multi-condition while loop, similar to the syntax for a single-cond...
Statement syntax:Syntax Kopēt while (<condition>) { <statements> } When used in a do statement, while is part of a looping construct where the statement list is executed at least one loop Syntax:Syntax Kopēt do {<statement list>} while (<condition>) ...
The while and do..while loops are similar, in that they continue to execute the loop as long as its condition evaluates to true. A while loop checks for this before running your script block, whereas a do..while loop checks the condition after running your script block. A do..until loo...
TheContinueandBreakflow control keywords can be used in aDo-Whileloop or in aDo-Untilloop. Syntax The following shows the syntax of theDo-Whilestatement: PowerShell do{<statement list>}while(<condition>) The following shows the syntax of theDo-Untilstatement: ...
若要結束調試程式,您可以使用Stop(q) 。 從PowerShell 5.0 開始,您可以執行 Exit 命令來結束您執行 或Debug-Runspace啟動Debug-Job的巢狀偵錯會話。 使用這些調試程式命令,您可以執行腳本、停止關注點、檢查變數的值和系統的狀態,然後繼續執行腳本,直到您發現問題為止。
The Windows PowerShell integrated system for researching syntax is comprehensive and relatively easy to use. This is a topic worthy of its own article. To get the XML into analysis-ready condition, use the Select method of XpathNavigator: XML Copy $nav.Select...
about_Command_Syntax Explains the command format in Windows PowerShell. about_Comment_Based_Help Explains how to write comment-based help topics for functions and scripts. about_CommonParameters Describes parameters that can be used with any cmdlet. ...
and Xcacls.exe—that were specifically designed to provide a simpler way to work with various types of permissions. While their syntax is completely different from the standardized syntax used by Windows PowerShell cmdlets, these command-line utilities no longer have to be used in an ad hoc way...
while ($i -eq 0) { ## Do something > } Thedoloop is similar to thewhileloop. The only difference is PowerShell executes thedoloop at the end of the loop. do { ## do something } while ($i -lt 0) When you use aforeachloop, PowerShell repeats the code for each item mentioned...
do { @("1","2","3") | % { $_; if($_ -eq "2") { break } } } while ($false) # dummy loop to break out of Note that you don't need the dummy loop on the command line, but if you neglected to use it in a script, it would break out of whatever enclosing loop ther...