Measure-Command{$logs=$logNames|ForEach{Start-ThreadJob{Get-WinEvent-LogName$using:_-MaxEvents50002>$null}-ThrottleLimit10} |Wait-Job|Receive-Job} TotalMilliseconds :115994.3(1minute56seconds)$logs.Count50000 线程作业和变量 有多种方法可将值传递到基于线程的作业中。
Let's wait a bit, but consider helping is that doesn't go away!" } 最后记录作业完成情况: PowerShell 复制 # Final Stream Analytics job status check $newJobState = Get-AzStreamAnalyticsJob -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $asaJobName | Foreach-Object {$_.JobState} Write-...
Get-Date|Format-Custom@{expr={$_.Date};depth=1},TimeOfDay Output class DateTime { $_.Date = class DateTime { Date = 8/7/2020 12:00:00 AM Day = 7 DayOfWeek = Friday DayOfYear = 220 Hour = 0 Kind = Local Millisecond = 0 Minute = 0 Month = 8 Second = 0 Ticks = 637323552000...
Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier "ProcessStarted"Exemple 3 : Attendre un événement écoulé du minuteurCet exemple utilise l’applet Wait-Event de commande pour attendre un événement de minuteur sur un minuteur défini pour 2000 millisecondes.PowerShell Copier ...
#3.使进程等待(关闭)Wait-Process-Id5600Wait-Process-Name notepad-Timeout10#4.停止进程(spps/kill)Stop-Process-ID7960Stop-Process-Name notepad-Force #强制结束 -Services 服务常用的cmdlet命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >(Get-Command*-Service).Name ...
Waita minute, why do we have two tables instead of one? A simple one-table solutionmight look like this: Employee Entrance Beforethrowing stones at this solution, I should say this could work for the simplestof cases. As we are going to see below, it doesn’t work if things get a bi...
Now you’ll wait a minute…and…nothing happens. This is because you haven’t done all of the other things to theTimerobject to make it start firing (though obviously, binding the event handler beforehand is usually a good idea).
The user needs to wait for and then resubmit the execution of cmdlets on the open connection.Example 7PowerShell Copy New-ThrottlingPolicy -Name ITStaffUserPolicyDestructiveCmdlets -PowerShellMaxDestructiveCmdlets 10 -PowerShellMaxDestructiveCmdletsTimePeriod 60...
The AuthenticatedConnectionTimeout parameter specifies the period of time to wait before closing an idle authenticated connection. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss where dd = days, hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. Valid values are 00:00:30 to 1:...