"AppGwSslPolicy20170401S" $clientAuthConfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration -VerifyClientCertIssuerDN $sslProfile01 = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile -Name $sslProfile01Name -SslPolicy $sslPolicy -ClientAuthConfiguration $clientAuthConfig -TrustedClientCertificates $trustedClient01 $...
如果windows server 08R2启动安装程序失败,请使用cmd运行 setup-x86_64.exe --allow-unsupported-windows --sitehttp://ctm.crouchingtigerhiddenfruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/circa/64bit/2024/01/30/231215--no-verify 其他老旧系统请参考cygwin64官网网页的How can I install the last Cygwin version for an old, ...
设置应用程序网关的后端池和设置。 (可选)为端到端 SSL 加密设置后端受信任的根证书。Azure PowerShell 复制 $certFilePath = $basedir + "/ScenarioTests/Data/ApplicationGatewayAuthCert.cer" $trustedRoot = New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate -Name $trustedRootCertName -CertificateFile $certFile...
# 导入证书到当前用户的个人证书存储区Import-Certificate-FilePath"C:\path\to\certificate.cer"-CertStoreLocation"Cert:\CurrentUser\My"# 导入证书到计算机的个人证书存储区Import-Certificate-FilePath"C:\path\to\certificate.cer"-CertStoreLocation"Cert:\LocalMachine\My" 3.导出证书 Export-Certificate用于将证...
我需要确保该证书被列为受信任的发行者。如果证书尚未受信任,则使用signedCode.Verify(true)将显示一个对话框,因此用户可以选择是否执行此操作。但是,即使签名不是来自受信任的发布者,signedCode.Verify(false)也会对其进行验证-假设这只是检查证书</ 浏览2提问于2009-03-27得票数 8...
SSL/TLS server certificate is not expired,# and that the certificate signature is valid.# This does not ensure that it has a chain of authentication to# a trusted root. To ensure that, theTrustedRootsobject (below) is required.$http.RequireSslCertVerify=$true# Do the HTTPS page fetch (...
windows在cygwin64下使用acme.sh批量签发Let's Encrypt的ssl证书,并用powershell重新分配iis证书 - 使用前提本脚本是在使用阿里云Windows服务器的前提,如果使用其他dns服务,请参看acme.sh的dns相关文档配置好cygwin64、acme.sh并配置好阿里云账户,openssl最好也安装
4) -InputObject $table # Now, we read the data back to verify all went ok. Read-SqlTableData -InputObject $table # Output: # # Col1 # --- # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 此示例演示如何将 Write-SqlTableData cmdlet 与 SQL 身份验证配合使用。大多数代码只是 ADO.Net,需要 SMO 样板才能创建所需...
Verify that the certificate supports the services that you want to configure. Expand table Type: AllowedServices Position: Named Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server ...
Is there a fast way to verify that SMBv1 is disabled or enabled using powershell is there a Powershell Lint utility? Is there a powershell replacment for netsh http show sslcert Is there a way to check for invalid character in Import-Csv Is there a way to disable IEEE 802.1x authenic...