Windows PowerShell will use the String data type to store the value. In .NET Framework terms, that's the System.String class, which has perhaps the most built-in functionality of any variable type. If, say, I want to see an all-lowercase version of the value in $var, I can do this...
The following code uses `Get-ChildItem` to list the contents of `C:\Windows` and assigns the output to the `$files` variable. ```powershell $files = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows ``` This examples shows command syntax inline: markdown Kopiera To start the spooler service on a remote co...
when you use double quotes-as opposed to single quotes-Windows PowerShell scans the text string for any variables. If it finds any, it substitutes the variable's actual value for the variable's name. Thus, when it executes this code, you can see that the current service name is being di...
A string enclosed in double quotation marks is anexpandablestring. Variable names preceded by a dollar sign ($) are replaced with the variable's value before the string is passed to the command for processing. For example: PowerShell
This example retrieves the CIM instance objects filtered by the Query parameter and stores them in variable named $var using the Get-CimInstance cmdlet. The contents of the variable are then passed to the Remove-CimInstance cmdlet, which removes the CIM instances.PowerShell Copy ...
SetEnv directives in ssh_config and sshd_config are now first-match-wins to match other directives. Previously if an environment variable was multiply specified the last set value would have been used. ssh-keygen -A (generate all default host key types) will no longer generate DSA keys. ...
A cast can also be performed when a variable is assigned to usingcast notation. Comma operator, As a binary operator, the comma creates an array or appends to the array being created. In expression mode, as a unary operator, the comma creates an array with just one member. Place the com...
Windows PowerShell will expand a variable or an expression in a string. Variables look like: $variable Expressions look like: $(expression) Thus to get $c.Handles expanded you do the following: PS> “Calc uses$($c.Handles)Handles”
When extending standard<deploy|rollback|remove|start|stop>-websiteor<deploy|rollback|remove|start|stop>-servicetasks$rolevariable is added to the scope with current role details: $role.Type- role type $role.Name- the name of role $role.PackageUrl- URL of role artifact package ...
Remove-Item function:\MyCustomFunction Remove-Item alias:\new Although the Prompt function returns a simple string, you can also use the function for more complex tasks. For example, many users update their console window title (by changing the $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle variable) or use the...