UAC(User Account Control,用户帐户控制)是微软为提高系统安全而在Windows Vista中引入的新技术,它要求用户在执行可能会影响计算机运行的操作或执行更改影响其他用户的设置的操作之前,提供权限或管理员 密码。 背景介绍 UAC(User Account Control,用户帐户控制)是微软为提高系统安全而在Windows Vista中引入的新技术,它要求...
23 {$b = Read-Host -prompt "Enter custom UserAccountControl value (e.g. 514) "; [int]$uacvalue = $b} } #WRITE OUTPUT TO SCREEN # you can customize the properties displayed for each user by adding properties # to Format-Table command (e.g. name,distinguishedname $results = Get-AD...
用户test1的userAccountControl属性值为514,那么这个用户的具体属性如下: - ACCOUNTDISABLE,2 - NORMAL_ACCOUNT,512 计算方法为2+512=514 添加密码永不过期属性的方法: 密码永不过期属性对应的值为65536(DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD),将userAccountControl属性值514再加上65536,设置为66048即可 注: 在程序设计上,为了可重复...
$user.SetPassword("<NewPassword>") Notice:You need to replace theUsernamewith your real account name and replaceNewPasswordwith the new password that you reset. For example: $user = Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='<wisecleaner>'" $user.SetPassword("<wisecleaner...
我们需要ACL写入权限才能为该用户设置UserAccountControl标志,使用PowerView: Set-DomainObject -Identity support355user -Set @{serviceprincipalname='any/thing'} AS-REP roasting 获取可roaste用户的哈希值,使用ASREPRoast.ps1: Get-ASREPHash -UserName VPN355user ...
$tenant="<tenant name, such as litwareinc for>"$site="<site name>"$user="<user account name, such as opalc>"$group="<group name name, such as Auditors>"Add-SPOUser-Group$group-LoginName$user@$$$site ...
If the User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes to verify that you want to run Windows PowerShell under administrator credentials. And yes, you absolutelymustrun Windows PowerShell as an administrator. If you don’t, you’re going to get an error message similar to this when you ...
Help with Get-Aduser Properties with useraccountcontrol Help with Get-WmiObject and getting DNS records Help with powershell script to close open files Help with printing to PDF Help with Select-String and Context when output to file Help with sending mail Help with Unlock-AdAccount and permissio...
User Account Control: Inside Windows 7 User Account Control Controlling the Business Value Debate Managing Active Directory Users with ILM 2007 Sharing and Synchronizing Your Files Managing Permissions from the Command Line New Features and Improvements in Exchange Server 2010 六月2009 五月2009 四月2009 ...
OK WpnUserService_26eca WpnUserService_26eca 二、获取服务信息 命令语法 Get-Service -Name <服务名称> 示例 Get-Service-Name"Windows Update" 输出 Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- RunningwuauservWindows Update 三、获取远程服务信息 在PowerShell 5.1版本...