PS C:\PS-test>Get-Contenttest.ps1functionpsversion {"PowerShell "+$PSVersionTable.PSVersionif($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major-lt7) {"Upgrade to PowerShell 7!"}else{"Have you run a background job today (start-job)?"} }$scriptName=$MyInvocation.PSCommandPath psversion"Done$scriptName."...
PowerShell # or winget upgrade Microsoft.PowerShell MSI 安装 下载对应的 msi 包,进行安装 Windows terminal 配置 nerdfont 字体下载 Nerd Fonts 是一个使用大量字体图标来解决程序员在开发过程中缺少合适字体的问题的项目,进入 nerdfonts 下载页面,这里推荐 Caskaydia Cove Nerd Font,下载之后,解压缩安装 Windows...
if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major-lt6) {# You need to upgrade your PowerShell environmentWrite-Warning"PowerShell 6 or greater required. REST commands work better that way."Write-Warning"If you don't have it, use `"winget install --name PowerShell --exact`" from the command line to ...
The Microsoft PowerShell team lead,Steve Lee, tweeted a handy way to install PowerShell 7 (PowerShell 7 upgrade) using PowerShell’sInvoke-RestMethodcmdlet. This code snippet uses the command to query the PowerShell GitHub repository, download an installation script which then downloads and instal...
PowerShell 7.4 is an in-place upgrade that removes previous versions of PowerShell 7. Preview versions of PowerShell can be installed side-by-side with other versions of PowerShell. If you need to run PowerShell 7.4 side-by-side with a previous version, reinstall the previous version using ...
$netObject.Length # Display the size in bytes of the # file in the command line interface 等等,我们不是说要谈论 COM 对象和 VBScript 转换吗?没错,但请看以下命令: $comFileSystemObject = New-Object –ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject 您会发现,此处的语法与我之前从 .NET Framework 创建本地对象时...
PowerShell 7, currently available in version 7.1, is the most recent release of Microsoft's cross-platform scripting language. Today, we will take a look at how to install and upgrade to PowerShell 7.1. For many years, PowerShell was a Windows-only scripting language. However, this changed...
$netObject.Length # Display the size in bytes of the # file in the command line interface 等等,我們不是應該談談 COM 物件和 VBScript 轉換嗎?沒錯,但先看看下面的命令:複製 $comFileSystemObject = New-Object –ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject 您會注意到語法基本上跟我之前從 .NET Framework 用來...
Now I have built an "Upgrade" task sequence to upgrade windows 7 to windows 10 1511. In this scenario, users already have a profile in Windows 7. When they login after the Win10 upgrade, some of their app associations have changed and they see a lot of info bubbles that say their app...
Windows 自带一个强大的 PowerShell,不过自带的 PowerShell 一直是基于 .NET Framework 的版本。你可以下载安装一个 .NET Core 版本的 PowerShell,以便获得 .NET Core 的各种好处。包括跨平台,以及更好的性能。