update-help -Verbose -Module $_ -UICulture en-us # -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ThrottleLimit 64 分享给其他设备安装 局域网内可以使用smb等工具分享,也可以配合robocopy传输内容给对方 对方接受后执行update-help命令安装(注意仍然要指定-UICulture en-us),部分模块的文档会安装失败,这种情况下需要手动补...
我在win11中将显示语言设置为英语,而在powershell(7.1+)上执行update-help提示了类似于如下的错误: Update-Help: Failed to update Help for the module(s) 'Dism, Get-NetView, Kds, NetQos, PcsvDevice, PKI, PSReadline, Whea, WindowsUpdate' with UI culture(s) {en-U...
These steps load the module in your session using the new name, which allows Update-Help to use the correct name to find the help content." Harm_Veenstra Your command worked fine, there was no error. Then I found such a coolarticle, where it was explain, how to work around, when you...
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Update-Help" on target "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management, Current Version:, Available Version:, UICulture: en-US". VERBOSE: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management: Updated C:\Users\cxxu\Documents\PowerShell\Help\en-US\Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Manageme...
从PowerShell 版本 3.0 开始,帮助内容不会预安装操作系统。 首次运行时Get-Help,系统会询问是否要将 PowerShell 帮助文件下载到计算机。 通过按Y回答是,执行Update-Helpcmdlet,下载帮助内容。 Output复制 Do you want to run Update-Help? The Update-Help cmdlet downloads the most current Help files for Window...
Get-Help-NameGet-Help 從PowerShell 3.0 版開始,說明內容不會隨操作系統預安裝。 當您第一次執行Get-Help時,訊息會詢問您是否要將PowerShell說明檔案下載到您的電腦。 按Y回答 [是] 會執行Update-HelpCmdlet,下載說明內容。 Output複製 Do you want to run Update-Help?
Update-Help cmdlet 下载 PowerShell 模块的最新帮助文件,并将其安装在计算机上。 无需重启 PowerShell 才能使更改生效。 可以使用 Get-Help cmdlet 立即查看新的帮助文件。 Update-Help 检查计算机上的帮助文件版本。 如果没有模块的帮助文件或帮助文件已
End of Central Directory record could not be found - can't install or update any modules. Endless ping in PowerShell Enforce synchronous run of command lets in PowerShell Enter Username and Password using powershell Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server failed with the following error mes...
Update-Help[[-Module] <String[]>] [-FullyQualifiedModule <ModuleSpecification[]>] [-LiteralPath <String[]>] [-Recurse] [[-UICulture] <CultureInfo[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-UseDefaultCredentials] [-Force] [-Scope <UpdateHelpScope>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] ...