但是PowerShell不接受| Select-String -Pattern "(^.*?)\K\.exe"中的\K并抛出错误:"The string (^.\*?)\K\.exe is not a valid regular expression: parsing "(^.*?)\K\.exe" - Unrecognized escape sequence \K." 以我有限的Regex表达式知识,我找不到替代的方法。有关示例的完整列表,请参阅上面...
Note that there must beno white spacefollowing the quote opening a here-string. Otherwise you will get the message “Unrecognized token in source text.” Although they look similar, PowerShell here-strings and C# verbatim strings are fairly different. The following table summarizes the differences....
Prerequisites Existing Issue: Search the existing issues for this repository. If there is an issue that fits your needs do not file a new one. Subscribe, react, or comment on that issue instead. Descriptive Title: Write the title for thi...
App Config and escape sequences App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values ...
"C:\Users\testinguser\OneDrive - Company\Desktop\Hello\Jobs\Testing-Online\_vti_history\101376\...
"C:\Users\testinguser\OneDrive - Company\Desktop\Hello\Jobs\Testing-Online\_vti_history\101376\...
App Config and escape sequences App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values...
App Config and escape sequences App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values ...
App Config and escape sequences App Config key not working App setting inacessible due to protection level App.config for multiple groups of same key/value pairs App.config for release and another for debug app.config giving problem('Unrecognized configuration section ) app.config multiple values ...