WARNING: Unable to download from URI 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627338&clcid=0x409' to ''. WARNING: Unable to download the list of available providers. Check your internet connection. Update your installation of the PowerShellGet module to the latest version as described in In...
about_Providers about_PSConsoleHostReadLine about_PSCustomObject about_PSItem about_PSModulePath about_PSSessions about_PSSession_Details about_Pwsh about_Quoting_Rules about_Redirection about_Ref about_Registry_Provider about_Regular_Expressions about_Remote about_Remote_Disconnected_Sessions about...
Find-PackageProvider Returns a list of Package Management package providers available for installation. Get-Package Returns a list of all software packages that were installed with PackageManagement. Get-PackageProvider Returns a list of package providers that are connected to Package Management. Get...
版本 PowerShell 7.4 (LTS) Clear-Content Clear-Item Clear-ItemProperty Clear-RecycleBin Convert-Path Copy-Item Copy-ItemProperty Debug-Process Get-ChildItem Get-Clipboard Get-ComputerInfo Get-Content Get-HotFix Get-Item Get-ItemProperty Get-ItemPropertyValue ...
PowerShell module for managing .NET-based Windows Credential Providers - lithnet/windows-credential-provider-powershell
Module: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Applies to: SharePoint Online Sets properties on the SharePoint Online organization. Syntax PowerShell Copy Set-SPOTenant [-AIBuilderModelScope <SyntexFeatureScopeValue>] [-AIBuilderModelSelectedSitesIncludesContentCenters <Boolean>] [-AIBuilderModelSelec...
Module: Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell Applies to: SharePoint Online Sets properties on the SharePoint Online organization. Syntax PowerShell Copy Set-SPOTenant [-AIBuilderModelScope <SyntexFeatureScopeValue>] [-AIBuilderModelSelectedSitesIncludesContentCenters <Boolean>] [-AIBuilderModelSelec...
openSystem Propertiesfrom your control panel. Under theAdvancedtab, click theEnvironment Variables…button. Under User variables, find thePSMODULEPATHvariable. If the path(s) to the PnP PowerShell modules are the only values you can just delete it. Otherwise, you can edit it to remove those ...
Unable to Download from URI, PowerShell Install-Module Error This issue occurs when PowerShell tries to connect to the NuGet repository using legacyTLS/SSL protocolsinstead of the current TLS 1.2 or the newerTLS 1.3. So, if you’re faced with thePowerShell Install-Module Error Unable to Down...
尝试强制tls1.2。这解决了大多数powershell库问题 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net....