格式为[bionukg+HID+mouse]::具体事件 其中,具体事件可以是: Move(横向位移,纵向位移):移动鼠标指针。横纵位移是整数。 MoveTo(横坐标, 纵坐标) :将鼠标指针移动到屏幕的指定位置。横纵坐标是0~65535的整数。坐标(0,0)是屏幕左上角,坐标(65535,65535)是屏幕右下角。 click():单击鼠标左键。 click(鼠标...
Add Array Items to Listbox Add blank column to csv with no header? Add column to text file Add columns to PowerShell array and write the result to a table Add computer to AD group Add computers to domain in bulk / mass Add Computers to Security Group Based on OU Add current date to...
# Move the mouse to the specified position [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($x, $y) # Perform the click [Mouse]::mouse_event([Mouse]::MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 [Mouse]::mouse_event([Mouse]::MOUSEEVENTF_...
mouse_event uses absolute or relative normalized coordinates between 0 and 65535 but the emitted mouse location from the script uses pixels so unless you use a value for the mouse to move that is large enough for it to move an actual pixel, you will not see the mouse actually move. I...
或者你可以从windows API using mouse_event导入一些功能,尽管我推荐SendInput,因为它取代了mouse_event...
Common verbs used in Windows PowerShell include: Add, Clear, Copy, Get, Join, Lock, Move, New, Remove, Rename, Select, Set, Split, and Unlock. You can tell what each is used for just from its name. In this article I'll create three cmdlets: one to set the data con...
Common verbs used in Windows PowerShell include: Add, Clear, Copy, Get, Join, Lock, Move, New, Remove, Rename, Select, Set, Split, and Unlock. You can tell what each is used for just from its name. In this article I'll create three cmdlets: one to set the data contents of the ...
Signing in to Windows PowerShell Web Access Your Windows PowerShell Web Access administrator should provide you with a URL that is the address of your organization’s Windows PowerShell Web Access gateway website. By default, this website address is https://<server_name>/pswa. Bef...
Ctrl+Break Force the Windows PowerShell window to close Ctrl+Home Deletes from the beginning of the current command line Ctrl+End Deletes to end of the command line F1 Move cursor one character to the right on your command line F2 Creates a new command by copying your last command up to...
Common verbs used in Windows PowerShell include: Add, Clear, Copy, Get, Join, Lock, Move, New, Remove, Rename, Select, Set, Split, and Unlock. You can tell what each is used for just from its name. In this article I'll create three cmdlets: one to set the data contents of the ...