New-ADUser-Name"New User"-GivenName"New"-Surname"User"-UserPrincipalName""-Path"OU=Users,DC=yourdomain,DC=com"-AccountPassword(ConvertTo-SecureString"Password123"-AsPlainText-Force)-PasswordNeverExpires$true-Enabled$true 计算机帐户管理 删除计算机帐户: powershellCopy Code Remove...
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object DNSHostName This command shows the Domain or Workgroup the computer belongs to: Get-ComputerInfo -Property CsDomain Thesysteminfois another command that we can use to display the hostname on Windows: systeminfo | findstr /i /c:"host...
$GroupObject = Get-MgGroup ` -Filter "DisplayName eq 'AAD DC Administrators'" # If the group doesn't exist, create it if (!$GroupObject) { $GroupObject = New-MgGroup -DisplayName "AAD DC Administrators" ` -Description "Delegated group to administer Microsoft Entra Domain Services" ` -...
===文件名:Get-whois.ps1===functionGet-WhoIs {<# Author:fuhj( , Does a raw WHOIS query and returns the results# The simplest whois search#.Example# get-whois This example is one that forwards to a second whois server ...#.E...
第一个命令应由已加入域 Domain03 的计算机的管理员运行:PowerShell 复制 $newADComputerSplat = @{ Name = "Server02" AccountPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'TempJoinPA$$' -AsPlainText -Force) } New-ADComputer @newADComputerSplat # Then this command is run from `Server02` which...
Return correct FileName property for Get-Item when listing alternate data streams (#18019) (Thanks @kilasuit!) Add -ExcludeModule parameter to Get-Command (#18955) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) Update Named and Statement block type inference to not consider AssignmentStatements and Increment/decrement ope...
Active Directory - can userPrincipalName be empty Active Directory - Creating Users Active Directory - Get What Effective Permissions Certain groups have on Specific Objects Active Directory - Give parent domain users access to child domain Active Directory - How long does it take to push out cha...
コマンドレットを組織内で実行するために必要になるアクセス許可とパラメーターを調べるには、「Find the permissions required to run any Exchange cmdlet」を参照してください。 例 例1 PowerShell $$UserCredentials|For...
To target a remote computer, simply add the parameter "-ComputerName server01" to gwmi/Get-WmiObject. Pipe to Get-Member instead of Select to see all properties, or Select * - or Format-List *.From WSUSIf you have WSUS set up against the desired target computers, this will be an easy...
$log=Get-WinEvent-ListLogSecurity$log.MaximumSizeInBytes =1gbtry{$log.SaveChanges()Get-WinEvent-ListLogSecurity |Format-List-Property* }catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{$ErrMsg='You do not have permission to configure this log!'$ErrMsg+=' Try running this script with administrator privi...