# An alternate way to run a command in a new sessionPowerShell-Command"& {Get-EventLog -LogName security}"# To use the -EncodedCommand parameter:$command="dir 'c:\program files' "$bytes= [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command)$encodedCommand= [Convert]...
This parameter allows you to execute a PowerShell command with arguments. Unlike -Command, this parameter populates the $args built-in variable that can be used by the command.The first string is the command and subsequent strings delimited by whitespace are the arguments....
Execute a PowerShell Command in a session PowerShell -Command "Get-EventLog -LogName security" # Run a script block in a session PowerShell -Command {Get-EventLog -LogName security} # An alternate way to run a command in a new session PowerShell -Command "& {Get-EventLog -LogName secur...
# ExecuteFile, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ReadAttributes # WriteAttributes, Write, Delete # ReadPermissions, Read, ReadAndExecute # Modify, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership # Synchronize, FullControl $StartingDir=Read-Host "What directory do you want to start at?" $Principal=Read-Host "What secu...
C# - How to execute multiple Powershell commands one after the other Calculating total size of objects in a directory, grouped by extension Call a batch file with parameters passed to it Call function with parameters invoke -command powershell call method from .Net class library using powershell...
.\testapp.exe 2. Invoke-Expression (IEX)TechnetWhy: Easy to execute a string. This can be VERY dangerous if used with user input (unless that input has been carefully validated).Details: Accepts a string to be executed as code. This is NOT the method you want for running an executable...
To allow other users to connect to the local computer, give the userExecutepermissions to the default session configurations on the local computer. The following example opens a property sheet that lets you change the security descriptor of the defaultMicrosoft.PowerShellsession configuration o...
(meaning the logo banner is turned off) by using the startup commandpowershell -nologo. By default, when you start Windows PowerShell via the command shell, Windows PowerShell runs and then exits. If you want Windows PowerShell to execute a command and not terminate, typepowershell /no...
When an external window is opened in a script with -noConsole mode (i.e. for Get-Credential or for a command that needs a cmd.exe shell) the next window is opened in the background. The reason for this is that on closing the external window windows tries to activate the parent window...
Step 2. Create an action The most important part of the scheduled task is what action it executes. To build on the use of PowerShell, the following code creates an action that runs a PowerShell script. $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument '-NoProfi...