PS C:\ps-test> .\test.ps1 Hit Variable breakpoint on'C:\ps-test\test.ps1:$scriptName'(Write access) test.ps1:11$scriptName=$MyInvocation.PSCommandPath DBG> 顯示變數的$scriptName目前值,也就是$null。 PowerShell DBG>$scriptNameDBG> ...
若要建立新的變數,請使用指派語句將值指派給變數。 您不需要先宣告變數,再使用它。 所有變數的預設值為$null。 若要取得 PowerShell 工作階段中所有變數的清單,請輸入Get-Variable。 變數名稱會顯示,而不顯示先前的貨幣 ($) 符號,用來參考變數。 例如: ...
Check if HyperThreading is enabled Check if IIS running on a remote server check if object is $null Check if OS is 32bit or 64bit check If Process Is Running in another computer Check if SMB1 is enabled on the AD servers Check if string contains invalid characters Check if string starts...
PS> 1usgb At line:1 char:6 + 1usgb + ~ The numeric constant 1usgb is not valid. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadNumericConstant 不過,具有無效語法的 1gbus 格式常值會解譯為標準裸機字串,而且可以在呼叫命令的內容中解譯為...
Test-WriteError: Line | 7 | Test-WriteError | ~~~ | Bad The $? variable is: False Now the $? variable is: True 出于后者的目的,应改用 $PSCmdlet.WriteError()。对于本机命令(可执行文件),当 $? 为0 时, 设置为 $LASTEXITCODE,当 为任何其他值时设置为 $LASTEXITCODE。备注 在PowerShell...
if ($start -ne $null){$now = [datetime]::Now$diff = $now - $Startif ($diff.TotalMinutes -lt 5){return $_}} 与管道配合工作的函数与过滤器看起来相似,尽管函数的process块语义等同于过滤器,但是函数在内部以FunctionInfo对象存在;而过滤器以FilterInfo对象存在。
For primitive variable types, the value is displayed directly, typically as numbers, strings, and Booleans. For non-primitive variables, the type information is displayed. If the type is a collection or an array, the number of elements is displayed as well. ...
{Set-Variable-NamestartParams-Value$args[1]-Scopescript}Set-Alias-NameTest-PeerWorkMode-ValueMock-TestPeerWorkModeSet-Alias-Name.\tools\notifyZookeeper.exe-ValueMock-NotifyZkSet-Alias-Namestartservice.exe-ValueMock-StartServiceStart-MyService$mockContext# Mock-NotifyZk is called.echo$isNotify...
if(-not (Test-Path $basePath)) { $null = New-Item $basePath -Force }Set-ItemProperty $basePath -Name EnableScriptBlockInvocationLogging -Value “1” }Most companies only realize the need to enable script block logging after it is too late. To provide some recourse in this situation, ...
All three of these commands create a text file by saving the text assigned to the $txt variable to a desired path and filename: Set-Content -Path c:\test\test1.txt -Value $txt Add-Content -Path c:\test\test2.txt -Value $txt ...