Function Test-RegistryValue($regkey, $name) { try { $exists = Get-ItemProperty $regkey $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "Test-RegistryValue: $exists" if (($exists -eq $null) -or ($exists.Length -eq 0)) { return $false } else { return $true } } catch { return $fal...
$valueName = "指定值名称" $exists = $false # 遍历注册表项 Get-ChildItem -Path $registryPath | ForEach-Object { $subKey = $_.PSChildName # 判断指定值是否存在 if (Test-Path -Path "$registryPath\$subKey") { $value = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$registryPath\$subKey" -Name $valueName...
' operator. ParserError: Line | 1 | (Test-Path .vscode) ? (Write-Host 'exists') : Write-Host 'not found' | ~ | You must provide a value expression following the ':' operator. 此示例分析: PowerShell (Test-Path.vscode) ? (Write-Host'exists') : (Write-Host'not found')...
While looping, if you find a computer name match with the name the configuration provides, check whether it should be present or absent. If the Ensure property value is Present and the computer name exists in the TrustedHosts setting, the return value is set to True...
set$RegistryPath='HKCU:\Software\CommunityBlog\Scripts'$Name='Version'$Value='42'# Create the key if it does not existIf(-NOT(Test-Path$RegistryPath)) {New-Item-Path$RegistryPath-Force|Out-Null}# Now set the valueNew-ItemProperty-Path$RegistryPath-Name$Name-Value$Value-PropertyType...
We then check to see if the registry key exists. If it does, we create a variable named $swv and set it equal to $null. We then print out another debug message: Copy "Stop" { Write-Debug "Stopping Timer" If(Test-Path -path $path) { $swv = $null Write-Debug "$path was ...
{"value":[{"properties":{"results":[["True"]]},"id":"/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/r esourceGroups/vulnerabilityaseessmenttestRg/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/vulnerabilityaseessmenttest/databases/db/sqlVulnerab ilityAssessments/Default/baselines/default/rules/VA1143","n...
Each subkey in theNetworkkey represents a mapped network drive that reconnects at sign on. TheRemotePathentry contains the UNC path of the connected drive. For example, if you map theE:drive to\\Server\Share, anEsubkey is created inHKCU:\Networkwith theRemotePathregistry value set to\\Ser...
[int] NOT NULL);"$sqlText2="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE object_id = object_id('Step2Table')) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Step2Table]([TestId] [int] NOT NULL);"$job|Add-AzSqlElasticJobStep-Name"step1"-TargetGroupName$serverGroup.TargetGroupName...
With a positional parameter you don't need to provide the parameter name—just the value:复制 PS> cd c:\windows By setting Position=num as part of the attribute, you designate what position is used for that parameter. If a parameter is not positional, you leave off the Position ...