if语句最常见的用法是比较两个项。 PowerShell 具有特殊运算符,可用于不同的比较方案。 当使用比较运算符时,会将左右两侧的值进行比较。 -eq(等于) -eq在两个值之间执行相等检查,以确保它们彼此相等。 PowerShell复制 $value=Get-MysteryValueif(5-eq$value) {# do something} ...
functionTest-MrParameterValidation{ [CmdletBinding()]param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$ComputerName=$env:COMPUTERNAME)Write-Output$ComputerName} 即使在设置默认值时,也不要使用静态值。 在上面的示例中,$env:COMPUTERNAME用作默认值,如果未提供值,该默认值将自动转换为本地计算机名。
在以下示例中,ID 参数的值不能为 $null。PowerShell 复制 param( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNull()] $ID ) ValidateNotNullOrEmpty 验证属性ValidateNotNullOrEmpty 属性指定分配的值不能为以下任何值:$null 空字符串 ("") 空数组 (@())如果值无效,PowerShell 会引发异常。PowerShell 复制 ...
Also, whenSimpleMatchis used, theMatchesproperty of theMatchInfoobject returned is empty. Note When this parameter is used with theAllMatchesparameter, theAllMatchesis ignored. Type:SwitchParameter Position:Named Default value:False Required:False ...
验证一个变量是否存在,仍然可以象验证文件系统那样,使用Test-Path。为什么?因为变量存在变量驱动器中。 7、删除变量 因为变量会在powershell退出或关闭时,自动清除。一般没必要删除,但是你非得删除,也可以象删除文件那样删除它。 8、使用专用的变量命令 为了管理变量,powershell提供了五个专门管理变量的命令Clear-Variabl...
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Email Notification sent when files added to folder Email SQL query results from powershell email via powershell (specifically reply to) Empty textbox only on the FIRST click (WPF) ...
Thethrowkeyword causes a terminating error. You can use thethrowkeyword to stop the processing of a command, function, or script. For example, you can use thethrowkeyword in the script block of anifstatement to respond to a condition or in thecatchblock of atry-catch-finallystatement. ...
Test-UMConnectivity -TUILogonAll <Boolean> [-CertificateThumbprint <String>] [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ListenPort <Int32>] [-MediaSecured <Boolean>] [-MonitoringContext <Boolean>] [-RemotePort <Int32>] [-Secured <Boolean>] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters...
$a = New-Object -comobject Excel.Application $a.Visible = $True $b = $a.Workbooks.Open("C:\Scripts\Test.xls") $c = $b.Worksheets.Item(1) $i = 1 do { $d = $c.Cells.Item($i,1).Value() if ($d -ne $null) {Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS -computername $d} $i++ } while ...
functionGet-A{param($a)$a|%{Write-Host"Bug!"} }$emptyPipeline=(@()|%{})$emptyPipeline|%{Write-Host"Proof of 100% empty pipeline"}Get-A$emptyPipeline#Get-A @($emptyPipeline) #this trick works, but very frustrating Expected behavior ...