} $File = ‘C:\Windows\a.txt’ if (Test-Path -Path $File) { “File exists!” } else { “File doesn’t exist.” } 判断命令是否存在 $cmdName = nslookup if (Get-CommandcmdName -errorAction SilentlyContinue) { "cmdName exists" }...
You should also be made aware of the parameter -LiteralPath to Test-Path, that you can see in the second example above. This also works if your file contains characters like brackets that causes the -Path parameter to expand the path since it supports wildcard syntax by default. Use -Lite...
Add IP output to Test-Connection Add line to a text file just after a specific line with PowerShell add lines of text to the TOP of a existing txt file in powershell Add Members to "Delivery Management" of the Distribution Group in Office 365. Add multiple ip's to a windows firewal...
$Folder='C:\Windows'"Test to see if folder [$Folder] exists"if(Test-Path-Path$Folder) {"Path exists!"}else{"Path doesn't exist."} This is similar to the-d $filepathoperator for IF statements in Bash.Trueis returned if$filepathexists, otherwiseFalseis returned. ...
如果表達式為 false,則會<if-false><condition>執行表達式 例如: PowerShell 複製 $message = (Test-Path $path) ? "Path exists" : "Path not found" 在此範例中,的 值為 $message Path exists 傳回$true時Test-Path。 傳回 $false時Test-Path,的值$message是Path not found。 PowerShell 複製 $...
此时,如果我们要加载 AlcModule 并运行 Test-AlcModule,则当默认 ALC 尝试加载 Alc.Engine.dll 以运行 EndProcessing() 时,我们将收到 FileNotFoundException。 这样很好,因为这意味着默认 ALC 找不到我们要隐藏的依赖项。现在,我们需要向 AlcModule.Cmdlets.dll 添加代码,以告知它如何解析 AlcModule.Engine.dll...
[int] NOT NULL);"$sqlText2="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE object_id = object_id('Step2Table')) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Step2Table]([TestId] [int] NOT NULL);"$job|Add-AzSqlElasticJobStep-Name"step1"-TargetGroupName$serverGroup.TargetGroupName...
Get-ChildItem$PSHOME|ForEach-Object-Process{if(!$_.PSIsContainer) {$_.Name;$_.Length /1024;" "}} If the object isn't a directory, the script block gets the name of the file, divides the value of itsLengthproperty by 1024, and adds a space (" ") to separate it from the next ...
Get-Process|Out-File-FilePath.\Process.txt-NoClobberOut-File: The file'C:\Test\Process.txt'already exists. At line:1char:15+Get-Process|Out-File-FilePath.\Process.txt-NoClobber+ ~~~ TheGet-Processcmdlet gets the list of processes running on the...