所在位置 行:1 字符: 33 + “{0} diskettes per CD” -f 720mb/ <<< 1.44mb + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (754974720 diskettes per CD:String) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadNumericConstant 可以在-F的左边放置多个字符串通配符,类似.NET中的String.Format方法。-F右边相应...
Trimming refers to removing unwanted characters from the start or end of a string. Whether you need to remove leading or trailing white space, unwanted characters, or clean up data, the PowerShell Trim method is your savior.In this post, we will discuss the PowerShell Trim function in detail...
string[] Split(Params char[] separator) string[] Split(char[] separator, int count) string[] Split(char[] separator, System.StringSplitOptions options) string[] Split(char[] separator, int count, System.StringSplitOptions options) string[] Split(string[] separator, System.StringSplitOptions options...
MultiString- 用於REG_MULTI_SZ值。 將[System.String[]]對象傳遞至Value參數。 QWord- 用於REG_QWORD值。 將[System.Int64]對象傳遞至Value參數。 您可以指定 Path參數的值數組,將登入專案新增至多個位置: PowerShell $newItemPropertySplat= @{ Name ='PowerShellPath'PropertyType ='String'Value =$PSHomePat...
MultiString- 用于 REG_MULTI_SZ 值。 将[System.String[]]对象传递给 Value 参数。 QWord- 用于 REG_QWORD 值。 将[System.Int64]对象传递给 Value 参数。 你可以通过为Path参数指定一组值来将注册表条目添加到多个位置。 PowerShell $newItemPropertySplat= @{ Name ='PowerShellPath'PropertyType ='String'...
how to remove\untick the Write gPLink permission from each OU how to rename AD User Name How to rename multiple registry entries at once. How to Rename Multiple Sub Folders Inside a Parent Folder ? how to replace a substring varaible in a string variable? How to replace char in 2GB Text...
remove-variablevar 5.连接两个字符串变量 $a = "This is the 1st string" $b = "This is the 2nd string" $c = $a + " and " + $b $c 结果:This is the 1st string and This is the 2nd string 6.变量的方法 $date = Get-Date #获取当前时间 $date.AddDays(3) #当前时间加三天 ...
remove-variable var 5.连接两个字符串变量 $a = "This is the 1st string" $b = "This is the 2nd string" $c = $a + " and " + $b $c 结果:This is the 1st string and This is the 2nd string 6.变量的方法 $date = Get-Date #获取当前时间 ...
使用Select-String可以过滤出文本文件中的信息。下面的命令行会从文件中过滤出包含 third短语的行。 PS C:\PowerShell> Get-Content .\info.txt | Select-String "third" Third Line 1. 2. 处理逗号分隔的列表 在PowerShell中处理逗号分隔的列表文件中的信息时你须要使用Import-Csv文件。为了测试,先创建一个逗...
Connect-AzAccount$Users=Get-AzADUser-First10$UserGroups=Get-AzADGroup-SearchStringContosoConnect-UPService$PrinterShares=Get-UPPrinterShare$Users|ForEach-Object{$PrinterShares.Results |Grant-UPAccess-UserID$_.Id}$UserGroups|ForEach-Object{$PrinterShares.Results |Grant-UPAccess-GroupID$_.Id} ...