format-expression 根据format-expression 指定的 format-specification-string,格式化 range-expression 指定的一个或多个值。 范围表达式 指定的值的位置从零开始编号,以词法顺序递增。 结果具有类型 string。格式说明字符串可能包含零个或多个格式说明,每个格式说明具有以下形式:...
Convert from CString to std::string in UNICODE builds Convert from std::string to CString in UNICODE builds convert from std::string to LPWSTR Convert HRESULT hex error code to string Convert std::wstring to UCHAR* Convert TCHAR [] to LPCWSTR Convert wstring to HEX and vice versa Convert ...
# This expression returns true.# The pattern matches the first word character 'B'.'Book'-match'\w' 通配符 句点(.) 是正则表达式中的通配符。 它匹配除换行符外的任何字符 (\n)。 PowerShell # This expression returns true.# The pattern matches any 4 characters except the newline.'a1\ '-matc...
TheToString()result of the piped object isn't the same rich string representation produced by PowerShell's formatting system. So, you may need to pipe the objects toOut-Stringfirst. Piping toOut-Stringconverts the formatted output into a single multi-line string object. This means that when...
以下语句在第一个数字处拆分 here-string 中的每一行。 它使用多行选项来识别每行和字符串的开头。 0 表示 Max-substrings 参数的“返回所有”值。 仅当指定 Max-substrings 值时,才能使用多行等选项。 PowerShell复制 $a=@' 1The first line. 2The second line. 3The third of three lines. '@$a-sp...
Type: String Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection-CustomAttribute10This parameter specifies a value for the CustomAttribute10 property on the recipient. You can use thi...
-Name <System.String[]> Specifies oneormore processes byprocessname. You cantypemultipleprocessnames (separated by commas)andusewildcard characters. The param eter name (`Name`)isoptional. 是否必需?False位置?0默认值 None 是否接受管道输入?True(ByPropertyName) ...
Type:String Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -CacheSizeInGB Specifies the maximum size of the global disk cache in gigabytes. The type must be an integer value in the range of 0 to any positive integer. The default si...
Unfortunately, if the string passed to the write-output command contains more than one word separated by a space, PowerShell interprets any word after the first one as additional arguments to the command. Since only one argument is associated with the -inputobject parameter, this causes Power...
Type:String Position:0 Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:True -Parallel Specifies the script block to be used for parallel processing of input objects. Enter a script block that describes the operation. ...