Wait-Job -ID 10 -Timeout 120 停止作业 若要停止后台作业,请使用 Stop-Job cmdlet。 以下命令启动一个作业来获取系统事件日志中的每个条目。 它将作业对象保存在 $job 变量中。 PowerShell 复制 $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Get-EventLog -Log System} 以下命令停止作业。 它使用管道运算符 (|)...
例如,如果 RequireNetwork、IdleDuration 和IdleTimeout 參數所設定的條件未滿足,則不論此參數的值為何,作業實例都不會啟動。 展開表格 類型: TaskMultipleInstancePolicy 接受的值: None, IgnoreNew, Parallel, Queue, StopExisting Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元:...
New-ScheduledJobOption[-RunElevated] [-HideInTaskScheduler] [-RestartOnIdleResume] [-MultipleInstancePolicy <TaskMultipleInstancePolicy>] [-DoNotAllowDemandStart] [-RequireNetwork] [-StopIfGoingOffIdle] [-WakeToRun] [-ContinueIfGoingOnBattery] [-StartIfOnBattery] [-IdleTimeout <TimeSpan...
Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Stop-Service command in a Workflow. C++ Copy public ref class StopService sealed : Microsoft::PowerShell::Activities::PSRemotingActivity Inheritance NativeActivity PipelineEnabledActivity PSActivity PSRemotingActivity StopService Constructors Expand ...
Basically what I am doing is encasing the entire function plus command into a scriptblock. From there I convert the entire code scriptblock into a Base64 encoded string and supply it to powershell.exe using the -EncodedCommand parameter. This is useful when working with complex code where...
Many of the Outlook on the web virtual directory settings require you to restart IIS (Stop-Service WAS -Force and Start-Service W3SVC) before the change takes effect. For example, when you enable or disable forms-based authentication, or when you enable or disable the Private computer option ...
"stopOnScriptError": false, "startScript": { "scriptExecutionMode": "-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted", "scriptPath": "MapDrive.ps1", "showWindow": true, "runInVirtualEnvironment": false, "waitForScriptToFinish": true, "timeout":10 }
Update message to use the actual parameter name (#19851) Update CONTRIBUTING.md to include Code of Conduct enforcement (#19810) Update working-group-definitions.md (#19809)(#19561) Update working-group.md to add section about reporting working group members (#19758) Correct capitalization in read...
When multiple processes are running in tandem, you may want to wait for one or more of them to be stopped before they can be used again. TheWait-Processcmdlet can help greatly. You can specify a timeout for which PowerShell will wait before the process is stopped. ...
Start-Process "myprogram.exe"-WorkingDirectory "C:\Path\To\Directory" 4. 启动程序并隐藏窗口 以隐藏窗口的方式启动程序: powershellCopy Code Start-Process"myprogram.exe"-WindowStyleHidden 5. 启动多个程序 同时启动多个程序,可以使用Start-Process的循环: ...