(3)用于指定定界符匹配条件的选项,如 SimpleMatch 和 Multiline。 拆分运算符的语法如下(3种语法,意味着有三种使用方式): 1 2 3 -Split <String> <String> -Split <Delimiter>[,<Max-substrings>[,"<Options>"]] <String> -Split {<ScriptBlock>} [,<Max-substrings>] 需要注意的是,该运算符中没有...
(3)用于指定定界符匹配条件的选项,如 SimpleMatch 和 Multiline。 拆分运算符的语法如下(3种语法,意味着有三种使用方式): -Split<String><String>-Split<Delimiter>[,<Max-substrings>[,"<Options>"]]<String>-Split{<ScriptBlock>}[,<Max-substrings>] 1. 2. 3. 需要注意的是,该运算符中没有参数的名...
在PowerShell 中,此类型为 System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions,具有属性 FlagsAttribute。 定义了以下额外值:Compiled、CultureInvariant、ECMAScript、ExplicitCapture、IgnorePatternWhitespace、Multiline、RightToLeft、Singleline。4.3 参考类型4.3.1 字符串字符串值具有类型字符串,并且是字符类型的零个或多个字符的不...
指定分隔符匹配条件的选项,例如 SimpleMatch 和 Multiline。 语法 下图显示了 -split 运算符的语法。 参数名称不会出现在命令中。 仅包含参数值。 这些值必须按语法关系图中指定的顺序显示。 复制 -Split <String> -Split (<String[]>) <String> -Split <Delimiter>[,<Max-substrings>[,"<Options>"]] ...
how do i split a line of text with multiple spaces into a fixed number of hash table entries? How do I split a URL? How do I use Out-File and not create headers in my output? How do I use PowerShell to format an xml file? How do I use Powershell to issue Telnet commands (Wi...
Piping toOut-Stringconverts the formatted output into a single multi-line string object. This means that whenSelect-Stringfinds a match it outputs the whole multiline string. PowerShell PS>$hash= @{ Name ='foo'Category ='bar'}# !! NO output, due to .ToString() conversion$hash|Select-...
how do i split a line of text with multiple spaces into a fixed number of hash table entries? How do I split a URL? How do I use Out-File and not create headers in my output? How do I use PowerShell to format an xml file? How do I use Powershell to issue Telnet commands (Wi...
Instead of having to worry about line break characters and the like Windows PowerShell has a construction known as a here-string, a construction that lets you bypass the complexities otherwise involved in assigning a multi-line string value to a variable. As shown above, you indicate the start...
(3)用于指定定界符匹配条件的选项,如 SimpleMatch 和 Multiline。 拆分运算符的语法如下(3种语法,意味着有三种使用方式): 1-Split <String>2<String> -Split <Delimiter>[,<Max-substrings>[,"<Options>"]]3<String> -Split {<ScriptBlock>} [,<Max-substrings>] ...
(3)用于指定定界符匹配条件的选项,如 SimpleMatch 和 Multiline。 拆分运算符的语法如下(3种语法,意味着有三种使用方式): -Split<String><String>-Split<Delimiter>[,<Max-substrings>[,"<Options>"]]<String>-Split{<ScriptBlock>}[,<Max-substrings>] ...