$($disk.Size) bytes"# 获取该磁盘上的分区信息$partitions=Get-Partition-DiskNumber$disk.Numberforeach($partitionin$partitions) {Write-Output" Partition$($partition.PartitionNumber):$($partition.Size) bytes,$($partition.DriveLetter)"}
Property Sum --- --- FreeSpace 109839607808 Size 326846914560 获取登录会话信息可通过 Win32_LogonSession WMI 类获取有关与用户相关联的登录会话的常规信息:PowerShell 复制 Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogonSession 获取已登录到计算机的用户可以使用 Win32_ComputerSystem 显示已登录到特定计算机系统的用户...
add -LogicalSectorSize and specify either 4096 or 512, depending on if you're using a VHDX or a VHD$diskconfig=New-AzDiskConfig-SkuName'Standard_LRS'-OsType'Windows'-UploadSizeInBytes$vhdSizeBytes-Location'<yourregion>'-CreateOption'Upload'New-AzDisk-ResourceGroupName'<yourresourcegroup...
| Format-Table -Property DisplayName, Name -AutoSize DisplayName Name --- --- Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In) WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In) WINRM-HTTP-In-TCP-PUBLIC Windows Remote Management - Compatibility Mode (HTTP-In) WINRM-HTTP-Compat-In-TCPNew-PSSessi...
SizeUnlimited Extindeți tabelul Type: MediaSize Accepted values: None, Size650MB, Size4GB, Size8GB, SizeUnlimited Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -MediaStartDate Extindeți tabelul Type: DateTime Aliases: ...
Essentially, the ZIP file format reduces the size of files by compressing them into a single file. This process saves disk space, encrypts data, and makes it easy to share files with others. While there are many approaches to zip and unzip files in Windows; in this post, we will show ...
-CacheSizeInGB Specifies the maximum size of the global disk cache in gigabytes. The type must be an integer value in the range of 0 to any positive integer. The default size is 15 GB. Type:Int32 Position:Named Default value:None ...
-CacheSizeInGB Specifies the maximum size of the global disk cache in gigabytes. The type must be an integer value in the range of 0 to any positive integer. The default size is 15 GB. Type:Int32 Position:Named Default value:None ...
{$_.Status -ne "Completed"} | select PID, Status, TempDrive, OutDrive, cpuUsage, memUsageMB, PlotSizeOnDisk | ft PID Status TempDrive OutDrive cpuUsagePercent memUsageMB PlotSizeOnDisk --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8144 3.5 Q: K: 0.58 2130 89.46 GB 6648 3.6 Q: D: 6.24...