The first line collects all of the loaded assemblies in the current AppDomain. The second line looks for the assembly where its fullname matches “MyPointLib”. Finally, it retrieves the types from the assembly.Next I use the get-member cmdlet to determine exactly what instance metho...
# Create a local PowerShell session # where the module with conflicting assemblies will be loaded $s = New-PSSession # Import the module with the conflicting dependency via remoting, # exposing the commands locally Import-Module -PSSession $s -Name ConflictingModule # Run a command from the mo...
In this post, we’ll use the term “Assembly Load Context” (ALC) frequently. An Assembly Load Context is a .NET concept that essentially means a runtime namespace into which assemblies are loaded and within which assemblies’ names are unique. This concept allows assemblies to be uniquely r...
add-type -AssemblyName “Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91” -ErrorAction Stop #See loaded SMO assemblies [appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | where {$_.FullName -like “*sqlserver*”} Like SQL Server Management Stu...
dll loaded? How to find computers joined by an user (ms-ds-creatorsid) using powershell How to find PID of background-job(Start-job) How to find the Mailbox size and archive mailbox size in the same powershell output How to find total file sizes for files older than 3 months How ...
CustomPSSnapIn should be used when you want to register a subset of the cmdlets and providers in one assembly or when you want to register cmdlets and providers that are in different assemblies. The code for my snap-in is shown in Figure 7. It's quite straightforward. I simply override ...
Help command for script returns "cannot be loaded because you have elected to not run this software now" Help Creating last 24 hours parameter for Eventlog script. Help in applying VLookup in powershell Help in getting last word from string Help in upgrading the Powershell on our Windows 2012...
Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null write-verbose "DLLs loaded" # $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" $resourceAppIdURI = "" $authority = "$Tenant" try { write-verbose "instantiating ADAL objects ...
It will make me sad, but now that I've got PS5 everywhere (where PowerShell itself pre-loads the module), maybe I should stop testing to see which host I'm in before using PSReadline, and instead, just test whether it's currently loaded -- if someone has unloaded it for some reason...
# MessageBox -- MUST Have Assemblies Loaded function Show-Message { Param( [Parameter(Position=0)][string]$message, [Parameter(Position=1)][string]$caption) if ($caption -eq $null -or $caption -eq [String]::Empty) { return [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($message) ...