$ReportErrorShowSource 若設為 True,會顯示例外來源的組件名稱。預設值為 True。 $ReportErrorShowStackTrace 若設為 True,會輸出例外的堆疊追蹤。預設值為 False。 $ShellId Windows PowerShell 殼層執行的名稱 (預設是 Microsoft.PowerShell)。 $ShouldProcessPreference 指定ShouldProcess 用在 cmdlet 的動作。 $Shoul...
set RPORT 4444设置本地端口4444 show options查看监听的配置信息 接着运行处于监听状态。 run exploit 3.Invoke-Shellcode执行代码 CodeExecution模块下的Invoke-Shellcode脚本常用于将Shellcode插入指定的进程ID或本地PowerShell中,下面介绍两种常用的反弹Meterpreter Shell方法。 第一种方法:直接执行shellcode反弹Meterprete...
# Change the ErrorActionPreference to 'Stop' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Error message is generated and script stops processing Write-Error -Message 'Test Error' ; Write-Host 'Hello World' # Show the ActionPreferenceStopException and the error generated $Error[0] $Error[1] Output ...
Show 5 more Short description Describes how to run and write scripts in PowerShell. Long description A script is a plain text file that contains one or more PowerShell commands. PowerShell scripts have a.ps1file extension. Running a script is a lot like running a cmdlet. You type the path...
Note that the upcoming examples intentionally show code outside the For statement. In later examples, code is integrated into the For statement. For example, the following For statement continually displays the value of the $i variable until you manually break out of the command by pressing CTRL...
Is there a powershell replacment for netsh http show sslcert Is there a way to check for invalid character in Import-Csv Is there a way to disable IEEE 802.1x authenication using powershell Is there a way to indent here-strings? Is there a way to paste HTML into Word and have it ren...
PowerShell’s Conditional or Comparison Operators 1. @{}是什么意思? 2.Scripts ### ## ## Get-Arguments.ps1 ## ## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) ## by Lee Holmes (http://www.leeholmes.com/guide) ## ## Use command-line arguments ###...
If you require even more customization than $GitPromptSettings provides, you can create your own prompt function to show whatever information you want. See the Customizing Your PowerShell Prompt wiki page for details. However, if you need a custom prompt just to perform some non-prompt logic, ...
CodeExecution Invoke-DLLInjection DLL注入脚本 注意dll架构要与目标进程相符,同时要具备相应的权限 示例 Invoke-DLLInjection -ProcessID1612-dll test.dll Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection 反射型注入,bypass AV的一把利器 个人认为反射型dll注入的精髓之一就在于能做到不在目标磁盘上留下文件,而这个脚本的一大缺陷便是不...
ExitCode:0 Name:WinRM ProcessId:1708 StartMode:Auto State:Running Status:OK ExitCode:0 Name:WinRM ProcessId:948 StartMode:Auto State:Running Status:OK 那么我们常用的类包括下面的几种: 下面的 WMI 类是在攻击的侦察阶段可以收集数据的子集: