} function Change-Language2 { param ($Language) Set-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop' -Name "PreferredUILanguages" -Value $Language } Change-Language1 -language $displaylanguage 参考了https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/24450.change-os-language-using-powershell.aspx...
使用Windows PowerShell 为委派访问权限合作伙伴管理 Microsoft 365 管理Microsoft Teams 使用集中式部署 PowerShell 管理加载项 Windows 和 Microsoft 365 部署实验室工具包 Contoso 案例研究 Microsoft 365 体系结构和解决方案 企业业务连续性管理 (EBCM) 和云服务 ...
positioning a set of powershell windows Greetings, I'm completely new to this area. I have a requirement to display 3 separate powershell windows that are created from nodejs on my server, in essentially this format, --- --- | 1 | | 2 | --- --- --- | 3 | --- is the moni...
Help 是一個函 Get-Help 式,會管線傳送至名為 more的函式,這是 Windows 中可執行檔的 more.com 包裝函式。 在 PowerShell 控制台中, help 一次提供一頁說明。 在 ISE 中,其運作方式與 Get-Help相同。 我的建議是使用 函 help 式,而不是 Get-Help Cmdlet,因為它提供較佳的體驗,而且類型比較少。
在许多系统上的 Windows PowerShell 脚本执行默认处于禁用状态。如果您遇到类似错误,"执行脚本时禁用了此系统上,"在尝试运行 PSService.ps1,然后使用 ︰ XML 复制 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 有关详细信息,请参阅"参考"。 显然,这类服务脚本不能为作为已编译的程序的高性能。Windows PowerShel...
(Get-Service).DisplayName Output Application Experience Application Layer Gateway Service Windows All-User Install Agent Application Identity Application Information ... PowerShell 中的大部分集合都有Count屬性,可傳回集合中的項目數。 PowerShell (Get-Service).Count ...
Get-Help displays help in the locale set for the Windows operating system or in the fallback language for that locale. If you don't have help files for the primary or fallback locale, Get-Help behaves as if there are no help files on the computer. To get help for a different locale...
Although you could previously perform the same tasks using the Windows Settings app, that was entirely GUI-based. With this module, users who are more fond of using the Command Line Interface (CLI) can manage their system’s language preferences directly from PowerShell. ...
Install and uninstall itself (using Windows PowerShell service management functions). Start and stop itself (using the same set of functions). Contain a short C# snippet, which creates the PSService.exe that the SCM expects (using the Add-Type command). ...
$H=Get-Host$Win=$H.UI.RawUI.WindowSize$Win.Height =10$Win.Width =10$H.UI.RawUI.Set_WindowSize($Win) 此命令将 Windows PowerShell 窗口的大小调整为 10 x 10 字符。 示例3:获取主机的 PowerShell 版本 PowerShell (Get-Host).Version Major Minor Build Revision PSSemVerPreReleaseLabel PSSemVer...