修改colorScheme,即完成了主题更换 PowerShell 配置 准备 确认当前 PowerShell 版本在 7.x 以上,如果当前显示的版本不是 7.x 以上,修改上文 Windows terminal 设置 中的默认配置文件过程 ❯ $PSVersionTable Name Value --- --- PSVersion 7.2.5 PSEdition Core GitCommitId 7.2.5 OS Microsoft Window...
向$Host.PrivateData添加新属性 ErrorAccentColor,以支持更改错误消息的主题色。 一个新的 cmdletGet-Error在需要时可提供完全符合条件的错误的完整详细视图。 默认情况下,该 cmdlet 将显示所发生的最后一个错误的完整详细信息(包括内部异常)。 Get-Error 中的显示 ...
您可以使用 TERM 或NO_COLOR 環境變數來關閉 ANSI 逸出序列的支援。 術語 下列值 $env:TERM 會變更行為,如下所示: dumb -集 $Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal = $false xterm-mono -集 $PSStyle.OutputRendering = PlainText xtermm -集 $PSStyle.OutputRendering = PlainText NO_COLOR 如果$env:NO_...
可以在 $Host.PrivateData.ErrorAccentColor 更改主题色。 使用 Get-Error cmdlet 全面详细查看完全限定的错误,包括内部异常。 PowerShell 7 中添加了 ConciseView。 NormalView:为大多数用户设计的详细视图。 由错误的说明和错误中涉及的对象的名称组成。 CategoryView:为生产环境设计的简洁结构化视图。 格式如下所示...
If you use multiple host applications, put the items that you use in all the host applications into your$PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHostsprofile. Put items that are specific to a host application, such as a command that sets the background color for a host application, in a profile that's speci...
Now I can examine my $pass variable to see if it is still set to true or if it has been set to false due to an incorrect application state: Copy if ($pass) { write-host "`nTest scenario result = Pass" -foregroundcolor green } else { write-host "`nTest scenario result = * FAI...
{Write-Host -ForegroundColor red "Enter a valid SIP URI like denise@contoso.com"} else {$FileName = "c:\powershell\" + $FileName + ".csv" $FileName $SipUserInfo | Export-Csv $FileName } } } while ($SipURI -ne "") }
It's important to understand that if you're interacting with the shell via a text-based command-line interface, then you're probably using the powershell.exe host. This applies even if you've launched the shell using a shortcut installed by another app, such as the Exchange Management Shel...
whether to throw an exception or to simply display a message using the write-host cmdlet when you error check. Conceptually, throwing an exception is the more logical approach, but using write-host allows you to specify easily visible text using the –backgroundcolor and –foregroundcolor ...
[iTextSharp.text.BaseFont]::EMBEDDED) $color = [iTextSharp.text.BaseColor]::GRAY $opacity = 0.5 $text = "Confidential" for ($i = 1; $i -le $pdfReader.NumberOfPages; $i++) { $pdfContentByte = $pdfStamper.GetOverContent($i) $pdfContentByte.BeginText() $pdfContentByte.SetFontAndSize($...