Set environment variables with SetEnvironmentVariable() On Windows, you can specify a scope for the SetEnvironmentVariable() method as the third parameter to set the environment variable in that scope. The machine and user scopes both persist outside of the current process, allowing you to sa...
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope LocalMachine For more information, seeUnderstanding how packaged desktop apps run on Windows. Beginning in PowerShell 7.2, the PowerShell package is now exempt from file and registry virtualization. Changes to virtualized file and registry locations now persist outside of the...
sudo log,persist:info 使用重置参数将日志设置还原为 PowerShell 子系统的默认值: PowerShell复制 sudo log log show命令可用于导出日志项。log show命令提供用于导出自给定时间以来的最后一个N...
Perhaps you plan for these variables to persist. If so, set them as environment variables you can call when needed. Related:PowerShell Environment Variables: The Ultimate Guide Connecting to an SQL Server via the PowerShellInvoke-SQLCmd
cmdlets, providers, functions,workflows, variables and aliases -- that are grouped to manage all the aspects of a particular area. PowerShell modules enable admins to reference, load, persist and share code. The simplest way to create a PowerShell module is to save the script as a PSM1 ...
These cmdlets use the Splunk platform checkpoint directory and let you maintain key/value pairs of data between scheduled runs of your script. Normally, data does not persist from one invocation to the next. Specify paths The input sets theSplunkHomePowerShell variable so you can address scripts...
2. Next, run the below commands, which do not provide output, but persist theev_pshvariable as an environment variable (SetEnvironmentVariable) with the value of the directory’s full path. # Add psh as an environment variable[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ev_psh','C:\Program...
New-CMPackageDeployment [-AllowFallback <Boolean>] [-AllowSharedContent <Boolean>] [-DeployPurpose <DeployPurposeType>] [-FastNetworkOption <FastNetworkOptionType>] [-Package] <IResultObject> [-PersistOnWriteFilterDevice <Boolean>] -ProgramName <String> [-RerunBehavior <RerunBehaviorType>] [-Run...
Normally, data does not persist from one invocation to the next. Specify paths The input sets the SplunkHome PowerShell variable so you can address scripts in add-ons by writing paths like this: [powershell://MSExchange_Health] script=. $SplunkHome/etc/apps/TA-Exchange-2010/powershell/...