Set-DnsServerResourceRecord-Name"example"-ZoneName""-Comment"This is a test record" 更多的 DNS 管理操作以及相关示例: 删除特定的 A 记录 powershellCopy Code Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -Name "example" -ZoneName "" -RecordType "A" -Force 创建CNAME 记录 powershellC...
Set-DnsClientServerAddress-InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).ifIndex-ServerAddresses ("DNS服务器地址1", "DNS服务器地址2") 清除本地计算机上的 DNS 缓存 powershellCopy Code Clear-DnsClientCache 查看当前计算机的 DNS 缓存记录 powershellCopy Code Get-DnsClientCache Get-DnsClientCache Entry条目 RecordName...
dnscmd /recordadd $zonename_bj $Aname A $Aip_bj #在子域bj.betnet.com中添加www主机记录 dnscmd /recordadd $reverszone $Aip_bj.split(".")[3] PTR $Aname"."$zonename_bj #在子域bj.benet.com中添加反向查询 Write-Host "在bj.benet.com设置主机别名" Start-Sleep 2 dnscmd /recordadd $zo...
$records = $xmldata.DescribeSubDomainRecordsResponse.DomainRecords.Record return $records } #endregion } function SetAliDnsStatus {<#.Synopsis修改已有的阿里云解析状态|ft参数line表示线路,阿里云支持智能解析,比如亚洲用户解析到IP地址A,美...
Set-IpamAccessScope [-IpamDnsResourceRecord] -InputObject <ciminstance[]> [-AccessScopePath <string>] [-IsInheritedAccessScope] [-PassThru] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <int>] [-AsJob] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Set-IpamAccessScope [...
The A record is set in line 20 rather than being the VAR $name and the TTL is set to 1 at line 11, I think godaddy kicks it at this value. set the TTL to 3600 and insert the var to 20 it should work, it did for me anyway. ... `-ResourceGroupNameMyAzureResourceGroup-Ttl3600`-PrivateDnsRecords(New-AzPrivateDnsRecordConfig-IPv4Address"") 查看DNS 记录 若要列出区域中的 DNS 记录,请运行:
DNS A record update usig Powershell 3.0 DNSServer Module in windows server 2012 DNS add zone permission denied via powershell dns how can we find who & when created a DNS record ? DNS Problem :A security package specific error occrred DNS Reverse Lookup Zones Do Loops & Multiple Condition...
IDnsRecord InterfaceReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EmailService.Models Assembly: Az.EmailService.private.dll C# Copy [System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.EmailService.Models.DnsRecordTypeConverter))] public interface IDns...
Set-ExecutionPolicy [policy name] 策略名 (3) 运行脚本 运行一个PowerShell脚本,必须键入完整的路径和文件名。例如,你要运行一个名为a.ps1的脚本,可以键入 C:\Scripts\a.ps1。最大的例外是,如果PowerShell脚本文件刚好位于你的系统目录中,那么在命令提示符后直接键入脚本文件名即可运行,如 .\a.ps1 的前面加...