有关详细信息,请参阅Start-Transcript。 UpdateableHelp 通过此策略设置,可以在 cmdlet 上设置SourcePath参数的Update-Help默认值。 可以通过使用SourcePath参数指定其他值来重写此默认值。 例如: JSON复制 {"UpdatableHelp": {"DefaultSourcePath":"f:\\temp"} }...
Set-Location-PathHKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion 然后,可以将.表示法用于当前位置以列出属性,而无需指定完整路径: PowerShell Get-ItemProperty-Path. Output ... DevicePath : C:\WINDOWS\inf MediaPathUnexpanded : C:\WINDOWS\Media ProgramFilesDir : C:\Program Files ... ...
占<provider>位符引用用于访问数据存储的 PowerShell 提供程序。 例如,FileSystem 提供程序允许访问计算机上的文件和目录。 语法的此元素是可选的,并且永远不需要,因为驱动器名称在所有提供程序中都是唯一的。 占<drive>位符是指特定 PowerShell 提供程序支持的 PowerShell 驱动器。 对于 FileSystem 提供程序,PowerSh...
“打开模块日志记录”策略设置将打开所选 PowerShell 模块的日志记录。 此设置在所有受影响的计算机上的所有会话中都有效。 如果启用此策略设置并指定一个或多个模块,PowerShell 将在Windows PowerShell登录事件查看器中记录指定模块的管道执行事件。 如果禁用此策略设置,PowerShell 不会记录任何 PowerShell 模块的...
new-item-path $profile-itemtype file-force @' set-alias vim"C:/Program Files (x86)/Vim/vim80/vim.exe"Function Edit-Profile{vim $profile}# To edit Vim settings Function Edit-Vimrc{vim $HOME\_vimrc}'@>@profile # 创建并初始化powershell的配置文件 ...
$PROFILE Represents the full path of the PowerShell profile for the current user and the current host application. $PSCMDLET Represents an object that represents the cmdlet or advanced function that is being run. $PSCOMMANDPATH Represents the full path and file name of the script that is being...
At the command prompt, type: PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicyAllSigned or PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicyRemoteSigned The change is effective immediately. To run a script, type the full name and the full path to the script file. For example, to run the Get-ServiceLog.ps1 script in the C:\Scripts...
ERROR: The term <tool-name> is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. If the remote computer is running a 64-bit version o...
For example, in my profile file for VS code, I useSet-PSReadLineOptionto set token colours depending on which color theme I am using. Like so many things in PowerShell, the PowerShell team engineered profiles for every scenario you might come across in deploying PowerShell and PowerShell ...