Next, I use the Navigate method to load my dummy MiniCalc Web application under test into my browser automation object:Copy PS C:\> $ie.navigate("https://localhost/MiniCalc/Default.aspx") PS C:\> $ie.visible = $true One of the great features of Windows PowerShell is that it can ...
Use aPowerShellenvironment withAzure Cloud Shell. Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based shell environment that comes with the Az module installed andEnable-AzureRMcompatibility aliases enabled. Keep the AzureRM module installed in Windows PowerShell 5.1 and install the Az module in PowerShell 7 or...
After Windows PowerShell Web Access is installed and the gateway is configured, users can open the sign-in page in a browser, but they cannot sign in until the Windows PowerShell Web Access administrator grants users access explicitly. Windows PowerShell Web Access access control is managed by ...
@{"Setting"="UnallowedBrowser"="Chrome";"Executable"="chrome"} @{"Setting"="CloudAppRestrictions"="Allow"} @{"Setting"="CloudAppRestrictionList"=""} @{"Setting"="CloudAppRestrictionList"=""} @{"Setting"="CloudAppRestrictionList"=""} @{"Sett...
Specifies the maximum private bytes, in megabytes, used by Excel in a browser. When set to -1, the maximum private bytes use 50 percent of physical memory on the computer. The type must be -1 or any positive integer. The default value is -1. ...
[PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell? [Powershell] lastlogondate exactly 90 days ago [SOLVED] Domain Join Assistance: Account Already Exists [Solved] Exporting profile photos from Office365 [SOLVED] Leveraging EWS (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll) ...
Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: SharePoint Online-AllowEditingPrevents users from editing Office files in the browser and copying and pasting Office file contents out of the browser window. PARAMVALUE: Fal...
New-CMMicrosoftEdgeBrowserProfiles New-CMMigrationJob New-CMMoreInfoUrlPolicy New-CMNoOverwritePolicy New-CMOneDriveBusinessProfile New-CMOperatingSystemImage New-CMOperatingSystemImageUpdateSchedule New-CMOperatingSystemInstaller New-CMOperatingSystemUpgradeUpdateSchedule New-CMOrchestrationGroup New-CMOSPassphrase...
Second, use the PowerShell command to capture the current default browser. Third, use the if condition in PowerShell to match & create the registry key for DefaultAssociationsConfiguration. I use the Microsoft document from the link to create an XML file that sets Microsoft Edge as the default...
Open theMDMDiagReportin a web browser. Search for theMDMDeviceWithAADproperty. If the property exists, the device is auto-enrolled. If this property doesn't exist, then the device isn't auto-enrolled. Enable Windows 10 automatic enrollmentincludes the steps to configure automatic enrollment in ...