$To = 'xxxxxxxxxx@vtext.com' $txtSubject = 'Test' $txtFullMessageText = 'test' $SMTP = 'SMTPSERVER' $txtFrom = "$env:COMPUTERNAME@domain.com" Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Send-MailMessage -To $To -Subject $txtSubject -Body $txtFullMessageText -SmtpServer $SMTP -From $txtFrom Run ...
This property specifies whether your users can choose to send SMS text notifications to external guests in meetings that they schedule using a virtual appointment template meeting. Tabel uitvouwen Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: True Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept...
We'll show Powershell's Invoke-WebRequest making a REST API request to an HTTP Basic Authentication protected endpoint to send an outbound SMS text message.
Send-MailMessage -from $mailfrom -to $mailto -subject $mailsubject -body $mailbody -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) -smtpServer 'smtp.office365.com' -Port 587 -Credential $mailcred -UseSSL ただし、送信元の Office 365 アカウントで多要素認;が有効になっていない場合、パスワ...
The UMSMSNotificationOption parameter specifies whether a UM-enabled user gets SMS or text messaging notifications for voice mail only, voice mail and missed calls, or no notifications. The values for this parameter are: VoiceMail, VoiceMailAndMissedCalls, and None. The default value is None. ...
PowerShell provides an extremely easy mechanism for doing this in the form of the Send-MailMessage [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.utility/send-mailmessage] command. With it, we simply need to provide some relevant settings like the SMTP server ...
The trick is that the Debug pipeline is shut off by default—the $DebugPreference variable is set to "SilentlyContinue." Set it to "Continue," however, and everything you send with Write-Debug will appear at the console in yellow text. This is a perfect way to add trace code to your ...
The UMSMSNotificationOption parameter specifies whether a UM-enabled user gets SMS or text messaging notifications for voice mail only, voice mail and missed calls, or no notifications. The values for this parameter are: VoiceMail, VoiceMailAndMissedCalls, and None. The default value is None. ...
The UMSMSNotificationOption parameter specifies whether a UM-enabled user gets SMS or text messaging notifications for voice mail only, voice mail and missed calls, or no notifications. The values for this parameter are: VoiceMail, VoiceMailAndMissedCalls, and None. The default value is None. ...
根据Send-SES2Email文档,-Raw_Data参数 * 是 * 原始电子邮件消息本身,而不是附件。正如您提到的,...