Import-Csv data.txt | Select-Object Name, City 参考链接 Powershell官方文档 Select-String命令 Get-Content命令 ForEach-Object命令 Import-Csv命令 通过以上方法,你可以根据具体需求选择合适的方式来匹配并打印输出中的特定列。 相关搜索: 使用Powershell填充csv文件中的特定列 ...
String. Foreach loop is returning same data multiple times instead of one foreach start loop at index[1] Foreach, $, and string concatenation ForLoop with PowerShell Excel Form buttons look different depending on how I open the script Form DataGridView AutoSizeMode / Resize Form Width...
The outcomes observed in the results of the two tests were because experts don't memorize thousands of PowerShell commands. Instead, they excel at using the Help system within PowerShell, enabling them to discover and learn how to use commands when necessary. ...
$q="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='winword.exe'"+" OR Name='excel.exe'"Get-WmiObject-Query$q OR语句可以用于两个以上的条件。 在以下查询中,OR语句将获取Winword.exe、Excel.exe或Powershell.exe。 PowerShell $q="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='winword.exe'"+" OR Name='exc...
Get-Item"C:\powershell_test\*.xlsx"| sort LastWriteTime | select -last 1 上面命令中的sort LastWriteTime表示对C:\powershell_test\*.xlsx路径下的所有*.xlsx文件以最新写入时间进行升序排序,select -last 1表示选取排序后最后一个文件。如果需要降序排序,可以在sort LastWriteTime后面加上“-Descending”参数,...
RegEx is used widely in PowerShell: -split, -replace, Select-String, etc. RegEx excels at parsing string patterns out of text with speed. Take some time to learn it today (Get-Help about_Regular_Expressions).The new Convert-String and ConvertFrom-String cmdlets were int...
因此,在你想读取一个长文件的前N行,应当适用Select-Object: PS C:\PowerShell> Get-Content .\info.txt | Select-Object -First 1 First line 1. 使用Select-String可以过滤出文本文件中的信息。下面的命令行会从文件中过滤出包含 third短语的行。 PS C:\PowerShell> Get-Content .\info.txt | Select-...
In Powershell we select the keys whose values we want, rather than scraping with regexs Powershell seperates content from presentation, so we can format our $results however we want Powershell has inbuilt tools to parse JSON (and CSV, and Excel, and other common formats). It can make the...