<String> -replace <regular-expression>, {<Script-block>} 在脚本块中,使用 $_ 自动变量访问要替换的输入文本和其他有用信息。 此变量的类类型为 System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match。以下示例将每个三位数字的序列替换为字符等效项。 脚本块针对需要替换的每个三位数字集运行。PowerShell 复制 ...
In this sample, I ignore that theIndexOfandLastIndexOfreturns -1 if they cannot find the text to search for. From experience, I also know that it is easy to mess up the index arithmetics. So while using these methods can improve performance, it is also more error prone and a lot mor...
Using the regular expressions (regex) with the-replaceoperator allows you to dynamically replace text using captured text. -replace <original>, <substitute> : The string to be searched <original>: A regular expression used to search the input string <substitute>: A...
The Select-String cmdlet uses regular expression matching to search for text patterns in input strings and files. You can use Select-String similar to grep in UNIX or findstr.exe in Windows. Select-String is based on lines of text. By default, Select-Str
명령 이름으로 Search Find-PSResource -Command CommandName DSC 리소스 이름별 Search Find-PSResource -DscResourceName ResourceName Azure Artifacts에 게시Azure Artifacts 피드에 패키지를 게시하려면 cmdlet의 Publish-PSResourceCredential 및 ApiKey 매...
Convert word document to text file using powershell ConvertFrom-Json ConvertFrom-SecureString fails in remote powershell session even though WSManCredSSP is configured for both client and server. Converting "whencreated" (System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection) to string converting a string ...
ComparisonOperator is an OPATH comparison operator (for example-eqfor equals and-likefor string comparison). For more information about comparison operators, seeabout_Comparison_Operators. Value is the property value to search for. Enclose text values and variables in single quotation marks ('Value'...
Using Windows PowerShell, how can I search for a string value in all the files in a folder full of text files, then report back the file name and creation date for each file where that string value was found? Oh, and I’d like to have...
-InputFormatSets the format for data sent to PowerShell as either text string or serialized XML. The default format is XML. Valid values are text and XML. -NoExitDoes not exit after running startup commands. This parameter is useful when you run PowerShell commands or scripts via the comma...
function Replace-AllStringsInFile($SearchString,$ReplaceString,$FullPathToFile) { $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$FullPathToFile").Replace("$SearchString","$ReplaceString") [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$FullPathToFile", $content) } NOTE: This is NOT case sens...