Copy files modified in the last 5 min with Powershell Copy files that are listed in a text file... Simple right? Copy folder from FTP site to local machine Copy folder if not exist Copy Folders recursive with specific modicication date/time Copy members from one AD Group to another copy...
The Update-TypeData cmdlet updates the extended type data in the session by reloading the Types.ps1xml files into memory and adding new extended type data. By default, PowerShell loads extended type data as it is needed. Without parameters, Update-TypeDa
The Where-Object cmdlet selects objects that have particular property values from the collection of objects that are passed to it. For example, you can use the Where-Object cmdlet to select files that were created after a certain date, events with a part
Get-WinEvent can get event information from saved log files. This sample uses an archived PowerShell log that is stored on the local computer.PowerShell Copy Get-WinEvent -Path 'C:\Test\Windows PowerShell.evtx' ProviderName: PowerShell TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName M...
Hey, Scripting Guy!: Answering Your OU Questions…for Just 5 Cents Exchange Queue & A: Transaction Logs, Cmdlets, Remote Management, and More Security Watch: Deploying EFS: Part 2 The Desktop Files: PsTools Primer Inside Getting Started with Database Mirroring ...
be specified $gpmAllGpos = $gpmDomain.SearchGPOs($gpmSearchCriteria) # Find all GPOs in the domain foreach ($gpmGpo in $gpmAllGpos) { if ($gpmGpo.ModificationTime -ge (get-date).AddDays(-1)) {$gpmGpo.DisplayName} # Check if the GPO has been modified less than 24 hours from now...
The Get-Content cmdlet uses the Path parameter to specify the Test*.txt files and displays each file's content in the PowerShell console.Example 2: Create a new file and write contentThis example creates a new file and writes the current date and time to the file.PowerShell Copy ...
Date created Last content modified date Team Members Owners/s Number of files in each site This is for auditing purposes so we can see if there are any teams that haven't been used in a while and we can therefore contact the owner to ask if the Microsoft Team is still needed. We wil...
Using Windows PowerShell, how can I search for a string value in all the files in a folder full of text files, then report back the file name and creation date for each file where that string value was found? Oh, and I’d like to have...
Type the following command to delete files that haven’t been modified in the last 30 days and pressEnter: Get-ChildItem –Path"C:\path\to\folder"-Recurse | Where-Object {($_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30))} | Remove-Item ...