!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
Uninstall-Package支持卸载MSI安装的软件(-ProviderName msi),但似乎 * 不 *“程序”(-ProviderName P...
n this script, we use the `Execute-MSI` function to remove an MSI package using its unique product code, making sure we uninstall the right app. If you don't know the product code or prefer using the app's name, the `Remove-MSIApplications` function can be used. This is handy if ...
卸載Azure PowerShell MSI 從PowerShell 卸載 警告 自2024 年 2 月 29 日起,AzureRM PowerShell 模組已正式淘汰。 建議使用者從 AzureRM 遷移至 Az PowerShell 模組,以確保持續支援和更新。 雖然AzureRM 模組可能仍可運作,但不再維護或支援它,但會根據用戶的判斷權和風險放置任何繼續使用。 如需轉換至 Az 模組...
I am unable to right-click an app to uninstall it. I have tried this PowerShell script to uninstall them, but encountered the following error for each of them: Remove 'xxxx.xxxxx' failed! This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis. They are not a ...
I have batch files that check the registry and if exists uninstalls the app, and then reinstalls the new version, now in Win10 these do not work as its a batch file and it does not seem to run. So how do i convert these to powershell, thought but now there would be some good ...
I try to install / uninstall visual studio extension use PowerShell scriptBut I just can find the Install like: start-process $visualextendsionpath.I can't not find the way to uninstall the extension.Do I use this command to install is correct? And please...
Uninstall MSI-based software from remote PC. Hardware New-HP-Printer-Setup.ps1 Create DHCP reservation & add a new HP printer on a print server. Misc Set-Outlook-Signature Dynamically set user's signature based on his AD attributes. A modification of Daniel Classon's script. Clean-Spooler.ps...
与基于 MSI 的安装不同,使用 PowerShellGet 进行安装或更新不会删除系统上可能存在的较早版本。 若要从系统中删除旧版 Azure PowerShell,请参阅<bpt xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" id="1"><a href="uninstall-az-ps" data-linktype="relative-path"></bpt>卸载 Azure PowerShell 模块<...
When it comes time to enable a large number of agents for ACS, Windows PowerShell comes to the rescue by helping to automate the setup. During the OpsMgr beta, Microsoft provided a script to enable ACS on all agents. Neale Browne, a contributor and blogger for SystemCenterForum.org, took...