AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid AD Users Active For Last 90 Days AD Users Change Company Name AD: Export list of all security groups + description ADCSAdmi...
PowerShell allows you to utilize aHashtableto remove duplicates efficiently. AHashtablestores key-value pairs where keys are unique, and by creating aHashtableand using the array items as keys, you can automatically remove duplicates. The following example initializes an emptyHashtable($uniqueHash...
This script enables you to export Active Directory users with duplicated user principal names. After correcting the attributes for these users, you can use this script to import them to your on-premises Active Directory. The following procedure describes how to remove duplicate email addresses by us...
This script enables you to export mail-enabled objects with duplicated email addresses. After correcting the attributes for these groups, you can use this script to import them to your on-premises Active Directory. The following procedure describes how to remove duplicate email addresses by using th...
ForEach(scriptblock expression) ForEach(scriptblock expression, object[] arguments) ForEach(type convertToType) ForEach(string propertyName) ForEach(string propertyName, object[] newValue) ForEach(string methodName) ForEach(string methodName, object[] arguments) For...
here is a little script I was playing with to find duplicate files on your diskhere is the code#Define the results path $outputdirectory = $env:userprofile + "\Desktop" $outputfile = "duplicatefileresults.txt" $output = $outputdirectory + "\" + $outputfile...
$ScriptBlock= {Param([string]$line)if($line-match"^git") {return$false}else{return$true} }Set-PSReadLineOption-AddToHistoryHandler$ScriptBlock 如果命令以 開頭git,則 scriptblock 會傳$false回 。 這與傳SkipAdding回 AddToHistory列舉的效果相同。 如果命令不是以git開頭,處理程式會$true傳回 ,...
AddedRegister-PnPManagementShellAccesscmdlet to register correct access required for the multi-tenant application PnP Management Shell which is used behind the scenes of the Provisioning Engine for certain actions towards SharePoint Online. Added the description being shown of a Site Script when running...
As always, we recommend testing this script in a controlled environment before deploying it in a production scenario.For further details on the remediation cmdlets, you can refer to theAzure PowerShell documentation. I hope this post has been helpful. Stay tuned for more t...
So, while the script to search for the folders in network shares works, it returns the locations as network paths, not local. The script you have provided here requires local paths. I did some testing using local paths but this didn't work, however, it's quite likely due...